



2024-07-21 18:30:46 来源:网络


关于做家务的英语短语 -
关于做家务的英语短语:1.cleaning the house打扫房间;2.wash out toilet厕所(马道桶);3.mop the floor擦地板;4.dust furnitures为家具除尘;5.clean the window擦玻璃;6.do the cooking做饭;7.sweep the floor拖地;8.tidy the room整理房间;9.washing clothes洗衣服。
做家务的英语是do housework [duː 'haʊswɜːk] ,keep house[kiːp house]。一、do housework分析短语do other housework 做其他家务help do the housework 帮助做家务Anything do some housework 做一些有关家务的事情do o housework 做家务do ones housework 等我继续说。


10个关于做家务的英语短语! -
clean the house, do housework, wash clothes, sweep the floor, make the bed, cook supper, make tea, do some shopping, clean the window, look after the baby
扫地sweep the floor 拖地mop the floor 整理房间tidy (up) the room 擦窗do the windows 洗碗do dishes 铺床make the bed 摆放餐具lay the table刷墙paint the walls 煮餐点cook the meals浇花water the vegetable/是什么。
找做家务的英语短语(不少于30个) -
the windows 铺床make the bed 摆放餐具set the table 刷墙paint the walls 煮餐点cook the meals 浇花water the vegetable/flowers 倒垃圾:take out the trash 洗衣服:do the laundry 晾衣服:hang the clothes out 收拾桌子:clean the table 掸去家具灰尘:dust the furniture 写不出来了……..
关于做家务的词组短语:做家务do housework keep house do chores make homgworker 做些家务do some housework 她会做家务She will do the housework 帮忙做家务help with housework 我尝试做家务I try to do housework 帮做家务Help do chores 这是做家务the is doing housework 夏天做家务有帮助请点赞。
有关家务活的英语短语 -
wash the dishes ,sweep the floor ,make one's bed等希望我的回答能帮助到你O(∩_∩)O哈!有不懂的继续问我噢~
the windows 铺床make the bed 摆放餐具set the table 刷墙paint the walls 煮餐点cook the meals 浇花water the vegetable/flowers 倒垃圾:take out the trash 洗衣服:do the laundry 晾衣服:hang the clothes out 收拾桌子:clean the table 掸去家具灰尘:dust the furniture 写不出来了……..
关于做家务的英语短语 -
做家务1.wash/do the dishes 洗盘子刷碗;2.wash out sinks/bathtub/toilet/living room 冲洗水槽/浴盆/厕所(马桶)起居室;3.clean/sweep (the)floor 扫地;4.dust furnitures 为家具除尘;5.wipe windows/tables/chairs 擦玻璃/桌子/椅子;6.cook meals do the cooking 做饭;/make dinner 7有帮助请点赞。.
have to do housework,do homework,make breakfast,make lunch,make dinner,make a birthday cake,feed the fish,make friends,clean the room,mow the lawn,walk the dog,shine shoes,wash the hands,wash the face,clean the windows,wash dishes,brush/clean the teeth 希望你能满意。