



2024-07-24 00:32:03 来源:网络


中餐英文菜名 -
1、北京烤鸭roast Beijing duck2、辣子鸡丁saute diced chicken with hot peppers3、宫保鸡丁saute diced chicken with peanuts4、红烧鲤鱼braised common carp5、茄汁虾仁saute fish slices with bamboo shoots6、涮羊肉instant boiled sliced mutton7、糖醋里脊pork fillets with sweet&soursauce8说完了。
Hot and sour soup 酸辣汤Szechuan crispy aromatic duck 四川酥香鸭(与薄饼、黄瓜条、新鲜洋葱和海鲜酱一起食用)with pancakes cucumber spring onions and hoi sin sauce)kung po prawns 宫爆大虾chicken in chilli 辣子鸡fried mixed vegetables 炸蔬荟萃egg fried rice 蛋炒饭a choice of等我继续说。


寻求中餐的英文菜单大全 -
北京烤鸭Roast Beijing Duck在中餐菜名翻译成英文的过程中,可以采用多种不同的方法,而且每一道菜都可以从不同的角度入手进行翻译。例如,川菜中的“宫保鸡丁”这道菜就有以下几种译法:1.sauteed chicken cubes with peanuts2.Gongbao chicken cubes3.diced chicken with chilli and peanuts由此可见,中餐菜名的英译方等我继续说。
1.北菇海参煲Mushroom Sea Cucumber Duck Feet 2.诸诸滑鸡煲Chicken Clay Pot 3.鸡粒咸鱼茄子煲Salt Fish Chicken Egg Plant Clay Pot 4.粉丝虾米杂菜煲Rice Noodle Vegetables Clay Pot 5.罗白牛腩煲Beef Stew w/ Turnip Clay Pot 6.支竹羊腩煲Dry Tofu Lamb Clay Pot 7.火腩生豪煲Roast Pig 后面会介绍。
帮忙找些菜名、要英文的 -
pig kidney。还有一些菜名遵循以形状、口感为主、原料为辅的翻译原则,家常菜脆皮鸡的标准英文名就是Crispy chicken。5、麻婆豆腐Mapo tofu 在中餐菜品中,很多是以人名、地名为主命名,这种特点也被保留了下来。例如麻婆豆腐翻译为Mapo tofu、北京炸酱面则为Noodles with soy bean paste Beijing style。
Hot and sour soup肚丝Boil for a short time two-brittle Monochoria broth Folder shoots fire broth Xuexia share Braise lumbar skin Tricholoma soup rice crust Cerebral gray chicken eggs Butterfly sea cucumber Dessert 八宝饭Honey ginkgo Candied melon snow sand folder Amber Yam Amber 后面会介绍。
谁有中英文菜谱 -
中英文菜名对照中餐菜谱肉类Meat 白切肉boiled pork sliced 白扣羊肉boiled mutton 爆牛肚fried trips 扁豆肉丝shredded pork and french beans 冰糖肘子pork jiont stewed with rock sugar 菠萝香酥肉sweet-and-sour pork with pineapple 叉烧肉bbq pork(cantonese tyle)/grilled pork 炒腊肉等我继续说。
油条 Fried bread stick 韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings 水饺 Boiled dumplings 蒸饺 Steamed dumplings 馒头 Steamed buns 割包 Steamed sandwich 饭团 Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼 Egg cakes 皮蛋 100-year egg 咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg 豆浆 Soybean milk 饭类稀饭是什么。
英语菜谱 -
中英文菜名对照中餐菜谱肉类Meat 白切肉boiled pork sliced 白扣羊肉boiled mutton 爆牛肚fried trips 扁豆肉丝shredded pork and french beans 冰糖肘子pork jiont stewed with rock sugar 菠萝香酥肉sweet-and-sour pork with pineapple 叉烧肉bbq pork(cantonese tyle)/grilled pork 炒腊肉stir-fried 是什么。
小食类Entree 日式海蜇Japanese style Jelly Fish 日式八爪鱼Japanese style Octopus 凉拌青瓜Marinated cold cucumber 凉拌粉皮Marinated cold bean pasty 蒜香肾片Garlic taste kidney 蒜香猪耳仔Garlic taste pig’s ear 麻辣凤爪Spicy hot chicken feet 琥珀核桃Deep fried walnut in Syrup 大边炉Big 到此结束了?。