



2024-07-11 22:55:25 来源:网络


初一英语的词语固定搭配 -
28. travel / go / get to school by bus = take a bus to school29. write stories in English 用英语写故事30. read Shakespeare' plays 阅读莎士比亚的剧作Module Eleven National heroes1. think of 认为,想到,考虑,想着,觉得,打算,记得2.last night 昨夜4.work on 从事5.from…to…从……到……..
我的七年级英语新目标固定搭配分上下册吧,谢谢。像likedoning;dcidetodo;makesb.todosth.practicedoing等等,一定要全啊~~是什么。 分上下册吧,谢谢。像like doning;dcide to do;make sb. to do sth.practice doing等等,一定要全啊~~ 展开3个回答#热议# 什么样的人容易遇上渣男?Beyondyliu 2010-07-03 是什么。


初一年级英语有什么固定搭配 就一些英语的固定搭配. -
1.How+adj.+(主+谓)!What+(a/an)+n.(复)!例:What beautiful flowers in the garden they are!How beautiful the flowers in the garden are!2.画线提问(1)画的是adj,则用How作疑问词(2)画的是n,则用What作疑问词(3)画的是one,twenty,a hundred…则用How many作疑问词(4)画说完了。
1.弄清词语自身结构用法学生做题时往往仅限于依据词语的中文含义,简单对照.这样就造成了许多中文正确,而英语结构上的错误.如“允许某人干某事”,allow sb to do sth,而不可用做agree sb to do sth.“同意干某事”说allow doing sth.而agree却应为agree to do sth.再如:“希望某人去干某事”expect sb to d希望你能满意。
求所有初中英语固定搭配 -
求所有初中英语固定搭配20 我们马上要考试了,起大家帮我整理一份所有初中英语固定搭配,中文也要有,我用的是人教新目标,谢谢大家到此结束了?。 我们马上要考试了,起大家帮我整理一份所有初中英语固定搭配,中文也要有,我用的是人教新目标,谢谢大家展开  我来答到此结束了?。
tell a story/joke work with 到此结束了?。work for到此结束了?。as到此结束了?。remember to do sth(马上要做的)remember doing sth(已经做过的)do some 动词+ing prictice sth/doing sth spend on sth spend (in) doing sth enjoy doing sth it is time for sth it is time(for sb) to do sth mind doing sth到此结束了?。
(新目标)七上英语1~6单元重点和固定搭配 -
2014-08-18 新目标人教版七年级英语下册动词时态,固定搭配总复习60题5 2009-11-10 九年级英语新目标unit1~6重点固定搭配,词形转换23 2012-10-17 跪求8上英语新目标重点短语及固定搭配,要求全面、分类。急需,希望你能满意。 2 2011-12-26 新目标英语八年级上册固定搭配总结78 更多希望你能满意。
1.send sb sth=send sth to sb lie in the sun 躺在阳光下different + 名词复数get dressed 穿衣服see you soon=see you later 2.what happening = what's wrong = what's the matter(with sb)decorate等我继续说。with等我继续说。用···装饰···不定代词作主语,谓语动词用三单具体到某一等我继续说。
初一英语 -
in ***/how many(much/long) hace you ***/what do you do==how can you do it / 固定搭配(be,to do,doing等)只能+to do的choose decide ask plan hope wish 只能+doing的practise finish enjoy keep miss 两者都可以的stop learn forget like love start begin 但意思不一定一样还有呢?
afford to do sth. 担负得起做某ask to do sth. 要求做某事help to do sth. 协助做某事hope to do sth. 希望做某事learn to do sth. 学习做某事want /would like to do sth. 想要做某事get sb. to do sth. 使(要)某人做某事like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事need 等我继续说。