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七年级下册英语阅读题 5提的选项在这里.A.ask for a tour plan -


七年级下册英语阅读题 -
第一篇:Now, here’s a plan about our school trip. We’ll spend the first four days inNewYork.We’ll visit the city and some famous places like the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)We will go there by train. We won’t go by bus because the journey(旅还有呢?
七年级下册英语阅读训练答案下面是我整理的七年级下册Unit 12的英语阅读理解答案,希望能帮到的大家!section A 一.A)1.has 2.are watching 3.playing 4.did 5.bought (B) 6.fight 7.outside 8.classroom 9.else 10.hall 二. CBDCD 三.1Can eat 2.Come to 3.No donrsquo;t 4.Donrsqu说完了。
七年级下册英语阅读理解 -
1、由这句话可知Some even watch television for eight hours or more on Saturday.television 是电视机的意思,所以选C。 2、由这句话 With television a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals to the ocean to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a conce等我继续说。
答案:B 2.I want buy some clothes my son.A.to, for B.×, for C.to, to 答案:A 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。每空一词)1.Their father reading newspapers every evening. (enjoy)答案:enjoys 2.Shall we go this afternoon?
七年级下册英语暑假作业阅读理解题5 -
56.A 题目意思是:为什么年轻人喜欢他?原句:He sang and danced well,and young people liked himvery much.他唱歌跳舞都好,和年轻人都很喜欢他。57.D 题目意思是:年轻人喜欢他什么?原句:Many young people liked him and his popular songs very much.许多年轻人喜欢他,他的流行歌等我继续说。
1. Pandas were sent to Taiwan from the Chinese mainland.两只熊猫被从中国大陆送往台湾。2. Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan play outdoors at the Taipei Zoo, Taiwan, on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, 2009.“团团”和“圆圆”在台湾台北动物园的户外玩耍,日期是2009年2月14日情人节。3. The 到此结束了?。
麻烦出一张七年级下册英语阅读,要难的,谢谢 -
(正确用T表示,错误用F表示) ) 1. Jim likes sport but Jack doesn't.( ) 2. Jim is going to skate with Jack.( ) 3. It's 7:30 now. They are skating.( ) 4. The radio says it's going to snow on Sunday.( ) 5. They are going to get up early希望你能满意。.
1、Which is the best title for this passage? (D)D. Serious Problems in Big Cities.解释:最佳标题是“大城市的问题”。即人口迁移带来的种种难题。2、Which of the following is true? (A)A. Big cities are not safe and clean enough.解释:大城市不是很安全、干净。因为人口过多是什么。