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人教版七年级下册英语金牌练习册Unit4 Section B(1a-2c)答案
【答案】:预习检测Ⅰ、1、do the dishes 2、help his mom make breakfast 3、practice the guitar 4、do his homework 5、watch TV 6、clean the room Ⅱ、1、make your bed 2、leave;in 3、relax;either 4、how;feel 5、make:to help 6、follow the rules 课堂达标Ⅰ到此结束了?。
【答案】:预习检测Ⅰ、1、boat 2、town 3、river 4、car Ⅱ、1、How;around the world 2、must be;than 3、are different from 课堂达标Ⅰ、1-5、DBADD Ⅱ、1、took me;to do 2、to cross the river 3、How long 4、to ride 5、go on a ropeway 语法讲坛·后面会介绍。


人教版七年级下册英语金牌练习册Unit4 Section A(1a-2d)答案
【答案】:预习检测Ⅰ、1、What: rules 2、arrive/be late for 3、can't eat 4、dining room 5、What else Ⅱ、1、must;on time 2、There are;rules 3、can't bring 4、have to be quiet 课堂达标Ⅰ、1、eat 2、outside 3、arrive 4、Don't 5、listen to Ⅱ、1-5后面会介绍。
【答案】:预习检测Ⅰ、1、train station 2、bus station 3、subway station 4、bus stop Ⅱ、1、What;think of 2、For, to get 3、between;and 4、is like;to 5、come true 课堂达标Ⅰ、1、takes 2、minutes 3、think of 4、lives 5、leaves for Ⅱ、好了吧!
人教版七年级下册英语金牌练习册Unit1 Section A(Grammar Focus - 3...
【答案】:预习检测Ⅰ、1、write 2、tell a story 3、talk 4、kung fu 5、show Ⅱ、1、sing or dance 2、tell stories 3、talk to 4、show us 课堂达标Ⅰ、1-5、DDCDC Ⅱ、1、to join 2、Can;play;he can 3、What car 4、They want to join the swimming等会说。
【答案】:预习检测Ⅰ、1、train 2、bus 3、subway 4、walk Ⅱ、1、How do 2、How long 3、How does 课堂达标Ⅰ、1、subway 2、ride 3、took 4、every 5、leaves Ⅱ、1、How does;get/go to 2、by bus 3、How does;leave 4、walk to 5、The early 有帮助请点赞。
人教版七年级下册英语金牌练习册Unit1 Section B(1a - 2c)答案
【答案】:预习检测Ⅰ、1、play the drums 2、play the piano 3、play the violin 4、play the guitar 5、play chess Ⅱ、1、can also play 2、Are;good with 3、to help with 4、make friends 5、on the weekend 课堂达标Ⅰ、1、A: Can Eric play the piano B:还有呢?
Ⅱ.选择最佳答案1. A 现在进行时:be+doing+sth. 现在进行时的一般疑问句用be引导句子开头。回答也是用be.如:Yes, I am; No, I am not; Yes,they(you) are; No, they(you) aren’t 等等。2. C read abook 看书3. B 询问意见用:how(what) about;like doing sth. 表示喜欢做某事4. C 询问方式等我继续说。
七年级下册 英语 牛津版 综合练习册 unit1答案 -
Unit 1 Vocabulary A. 1. smart 2. misses 3. laugh 4. remained 5. strict 6. support B. 1. hard-working 2. goes to work 3. all day and all night 4. gives up 5. person 6. probably Grammar A1. 1. I have a goldfish. The goldfish is called Rosemary.2. The Moon有帮助请点赞。
Unit 1 Vocabulary A. 1. smart 2. misses 3. laugh 4. remained 5. strict 6. support B. 1. hard-working 2. goes to work 3. all day and all night 4. gives up 5. person 6. probably Grammar A1. 1. I have a goldfish. The goldfish is called Rosemary.2. The Moon说完了。