



2024-07-06 18:29:45 来源:网络


七年级英语补全对话 -
71、Good morning, Jack!(早上好,杰克!)72、There is a tennis ball in my bag. (在我的包里有个网球。)73、Yes, I do. (是的,我喜欢网球。)74、I can help you. (我可以帮你。)75、Good idea. (好主意。
Cindy:Where's my pen?I can't find ( it).David:Hey,here's a pen!Is this pen (yours )?Cindy:No,it isn't (mine ).( Whose )pen is here.You can ask Mary. She lost ( hers )this morning. David:Mary,is this ( your )pen?Mary:No,( mine) is white. Jin lost ( hi说完了。


七年级英语-补全对话 -
1、Can I help you?2、What color would you like?3、Are those fit your size?4、Do you have bigger shoes?5、I will take them.6、You are welcome。望采纳,顺便给推荐个学英语的网址:给大家推荐一份好资料:[url=][名校联盟]山东省东营说完了。
七年级英语寒假作业答案上册2022 P1 1. 单项选择(1) B (2) C (3) A (4) B (5) A 2. 补全对话。一)(1)are (2)fine (3)thanks (4)What's (5)It's (二)(6)nice (7)Is (8)This (9)Welcome (10)Thank P2 1. 请选择下表中的单词完成对话,填在对话后的横线上。1)到此结束了?。
七年级英语补全对话不会应该从哪学起 -
新目标英语七年级上册单词对话默写Unit2七年级上册英语单词,七年级上册单词新目标英语七年级上册单词对话默写Unit2 江苏高考英语新题型对话填空17练有帮助请点赞。 Mike J: JaneM: Hi, Jane. It’s nice to see you again. I ⑴ h___ that you went to the US during the ⑵ v___.J: Yes. I 有帮助请点赞。
七年级英语上册期末试卷答案 -
2021-2022学年七年级上学期英语期末考试答案一、听力CACBC CBAAB CABCB EBCAD二、阅读理解CBCAD DBDCB BBCBD CEABD三、完形填空ACDCB DCABD CABDA四、语篇填空56. What 57.difficult 58.is 59.from 60.his61. loves 62.years 63.very 64.star 65.when66. up 67.to 68.the 69.in/希望你能满意。
四补全对话A:Have you any shoes 1 these(像……一样)?B: 2 size(尺寸)?A:Size Five.B: 3 color?A:Black.B:I'm sorry.We haven't 4 .A:But my sister bought this 5 last month.B:Did she buy them here?A:No,she 6 them in the USA.B:等我继续说。
七年级英语 -
这是七年级上册的听力部分,第11课的A:You have a big family,don't you,Rick?B:Yes,I have two brothersand two sisters A:Wow! How many showersdo you have?B:We only have one shower A:Is that difficult?B:No,because we have 到此结束了?。
1.their(do one's homework)2.make(~ a schedule)3.longer 4.leave(八点课出发要早一点)5.tired/fatigued (1)could you tell me what time is it?(2)sure.(3)to go home (4)play (5)it to me (6)Here you are helps→help be→join and→but 后面会介绍。