



2024-07-11 20:36:00 来源:网络


一道英语阅读题,百思不得其解,求解答 -
该段第一句指出,确实,认知科学提供的依据使技能可以独立于事矣性识这一观念受到挑战。下一句进一步指出,善于思考需要了解事实,由此可推知关键性思考也是基于事实性的知识上的。故选B。选项B中的bebased on意思是“基于”。
第二篇: 1.A.此题是一道细节题,文章第一自然段的前三个句子就告诉了此题的答案。2.B.文中有这样的句子"Who can it be at this time of night?",此句说明Mr. Lee 很想知道是谁在午夜时来敲门。3.C.此题是一道常识题,因为大家都知道在愚人节这天,人们可相互开玩笑。4.B.英国男孩和Mr. Lee好了吧!


一道英语阅读题。the joke about doctors implies that, in the eye...
这个阅读理解,说的是从护士那听来的一个段子。是对医生自以为是的讽刺。着四个选项里面A,对新人不礼貌B自以为是C 值得拥有一些特权D 午饭时间很忙C和D是明显不正确的。 这里只是一个笑话,笑话的内容是说医生如何对新人不礼貌,但是问题是imply,所以应该想得更深入点,笑话里面对新人的不后面会介绍。
更正楼上最后一题答案如下:1. C 依据:Beethoven, a famous musician in the world, was born in Germany in 1770.2. B 依据:After one illness, he suddenly found himself deaf(聋). At that time he was only thirty-one.3. D 依据:When he was only four, his father began to m说完了。
一道初三英语阅读题! -
12. What country isn’t mentioned in the report?A .The US B. South Korea C .Japan D. India 13. 78 ___ of the Chinese students spend more than two hours on their homework.A. 26.4% B. 8.2% C. 5.2% D. 48.6 14. 79 The phrase doze of希望你能满意。
1、B (由文章的第一句话便可知)2、C (由文章第二节第一句话可知。也可以用排除法,其他3个选项都很荒谬)3、B (由原文,他射了10次是因为狮子的头不断出现,他不确定自己是否已经把狮子射死了)4、B (文中有提到狮子是在灌木丛里发现的)5、D (由文意,他射了10次,每次有帮助请点赞。
检查一道英语阅读理解 -
这应该是剑桥English in Mind的阅读材料,挺不错的题目。各题解答和原文解题依据如下:1 c 原文依据:His aim was to encourage peace and international understanding说完了。2 a 原文依据:he started translating literature into Esperanto说完了。3 b 原文依据:Over the next few decades the number of 说完了。
排除Dfew lectures rise above dullness. 很少的讲座能脱离无趣。Critics believe that is results in passive methods of learning which tend to be less effective than those which fully engage the learner. They also maintain that students have no opportunity to ask questions and must all 希望你能满意。
一道英语阅读理解题!要详解~ -
to read.They wanted to known what kind of person the rich man wished for.第三段Before long all the books written by Somerset Maugham were sold out and the writer was known all over the country.5.C全文说某小说作家为使作品畅销,而加以登出一则征婚广告。所以这个人是聪明的有帮助请点赞。
( D)1 What’s the unusual way for animals to hide?A Some animals dig holes. 有些动物挖洞B Some animals can go under the water。有些动物藏在水里C Some animals can hide inside trees.有些动物藏在树上D Some animals just change their colours。有些动物改变自己的颜色(第一到此结束了?。