



2024-07-18 05:39:46 来源:网络


“钱”用英语怎么说 -
money 英[ˈmʌni] 美[ˈmʌni]n. 钱,钞票,货币;财产,财富;款项,金额;工资,薪金【名】(Money)(英)莫尼,(西、法)莫内(人名) 复数moneys或monies ]He desperately needed money.他急需钱。They were earning big money.他们在赚大钱。Money isn'好了吧!
钱的英语:money 读音:英['mʌnɪ] 美['mʌni]n. 钱;货币;财富词汇搭配:1、accept money接受钱2、allot money拨款3、amass money积聚金钱4、collect money收钱常见句型:1、Money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨。2、How much money is there in my accoun还有呢?


钱英语怎么说 -
钱的英语还:money money 英[ˈmʌni] 美[ˈmʌni]词性:n.释义:钱;款项;财富;薪水复数:monies moneys 例句:1.He gave me a book, a pen and some money besides.他给了我一本书,一支钢笔,此外还给了我一些钱。2.What do you mean, I've got enoug等我继续说。
1钱的英语说法是money读音为英#712m#652ni美#712m#652ni2money的基本意思是“钱,货币”,包括纸币和硬币money还可指某人所拥有的一切,即“财富,财产”3money多用作不可数名词;num 一百许多100 到999 间的数目某个世纪的年代n 一百许多adj 一百的许多的2yuan 英ju#712ɑn 美ju#71有帮助请点赞。
钱的英语怎么读 -
“钱”的英语money读法:英['mʌnɪ] 美['mʌni]释义:1、n. 钱;货币;财富2、n. (Money)人名;英)莫尼;西、法)莫内短语Lose money 输钱; 赔钱; 万佳石材; 亏本Easy Money 妙婿向钱冲; 容易钱; 低价货币; 低息贷款counterfeit money 假币; 等会说。
钱用英语怎么说听力哦 -
英文原文:钱用英语为money 或现金为cash 英式音标:ˈmʌnɪ] [kæʃ]美式音标:ˈmʌni] [kæʃ]
钱money 英['mʌnɪ]美[ˈmʌni]相关货币英文名称美元dollar 美分cent 人民币RMB 欧元Euro 英镑pound 法郎franc 日语yen 韩元won 泰铢Thai Baht (B)如有疑问,请追问,谢谢,
钱用英语怎么说 -
钱[qián] [qian]n.money; cash; sum; fund qua.(=5 grams)qian , a unit of weight 网络sen; dough; RMB 1.He was a lawyer, earning a great deal of money, and his keen eyes looked at you speculatively, weighing, and somewhat anxious.他是个律师,赚了很多钱,他用犀利的说完了。