



2024-07-18 23:40:24 来源:网络


“苏醒”翻译成英语 -
revival n.苏醒; 更[再]生; 复活[兴]; 再流行【宗】信仰复兴; [Revival ]文艺复兴;【戏】重新上演; (书)重新出版【律】契约等的)再生效a revival of trade 贸易的振兴business revival 经济复苏the Revival of Learning [Letters, Literature](=the Renaissance)【史】文艺复兴等我继续说。
苏醒revive revival vivification come to oneself {医} analepsia; analepsis; palinesthesia 例:新鲜空气很快使他苏醒。The fresh air soon revived him


翻译 苏醒 come to... -
come to oneself. 苏醒过来,醒过神来。如还有疑问,欢迎进入乐知中外教口语课免费听课。我们每周200多节课在线公开,中外教课任选。希望能帮到您。
2、come to 英[kʌm tu:] 美[kʌm tu]苏醒; 到达; 共计; 突然想起。When he came to and raised his head he saw Barney.他苏醒过来,抬起头,看见了巴尼。
come to oneself 恢复知觉,苏醒a flying chair 飞椅almost at once 几乎立刻be left in peace 使……处于平和中be placed fat from the hide 来自于兽皮(hide)的脂肪,be placed 被放置,如果没有上下文,这句话不知道怎么翻译come into being 出现,产生,形成,成立know for sure 知道好了吧!
The lady waked up very soon.
我想要苏醒的《I will be there for you》的歌词和中文翻译,要自己译...
演唱:苏醒Baby I know that when you were looking through my eyes 当你看着我的眼睛我就已经明白It was over then the pedals had withered 一切都结束了我载着你的脚踏车也失去了意义Baby I know you there is nothing you can explain 宝贝我知道你没什么好解释You told me so I'是什么。
plainting,这该死的感情'The damned emotion,真是害人不浅哦What a harmful thing'轻轻的,就在他微笑着感叹的时候slowly, when he was plainted with smile,身后明明已经死去的人the one behind him who's already dead 再次苏醒came round again 以人偶的身份as a puppet.仅供参考等会说。
翻译:他苏醒过来的时候,发现自己躺在医院里。 -
when he wake up,he find himself in the hospital.