



2024-07-22 16:21:44 来源:网络


我听不懂,用英语怎么说 -
I can not understand.我听不懂例句:I couldn't understand the lecture so I just turned off.我听不懂讲课,所以也就不听了。
I can't quite catch you .或者I don't understand .如果能帮到你,麻烦亲的鼠标移过去帮忙点一下好评哦~~谢谢!


我听不懂,英语怎么说 -
我听不懂,I cannot understand 英[ˌʌndəˈstænd] 美[ˌʌndɚˈstænd]vt.& vi. 懂,理解;vt. 了解; 默认; 听说; 领会;
“我听不懂”用英语:Sorry, I didn't understand what you said. 或:Excuse me, could you repeat again? I didn't quite understand you.said adj. 上述的v. 说,讲;说明;表达;指示;诵读;假设;据说;表明是……(say 的过去式和过去分词)n. (Said) (乌兹、阿拉伯)赛义德(人名好了吧!
我听不懂用英语怎么说? -
听不懂don't understand (by listening)。双语例句:1、对不起,我听不懂你的话。Sorry, I don't follow you.2、我听不懂你的解释。The explanation you give is beyond me.3、我几乎听不懂他所讲的。I understood little of what he said.4、他谈到他的专业时,我就听不懂了。He could 等我继续说。
我听不懂用英语怎么说 -
I can't understand English.如果你听不懂别人说的英语,你也可以说:I can't understand what you said.
I can't understand
我听不懂用英语怎么说 -
I can't speak English. 我不会讲英语。I can't understand. 我不明白。什么场合用的呢?有上下文回答的能更贴切,
I don't understand(顺便说一下,这句话在看不懂的时候也能用哦)