



2024-07-01 21:39:36 来源:网络


respect是什么意思? -
Respectful 是形容词,有礼貌的. 懂尊重别人的,常用于尊重别人的人。①"尊敬的来宾“应该是"respected guests" - 尊敬的来宾。从英语构词来看,过去分词做形容词是含有被动的意思。respected 是“被尊敬”的意思。② "respectful" 其实是对别人表示尊敬,用“毕恭毕敬”来联记忆。朗文字典定义和例句等会说。
1. 崇拜,崇敬;敬重People adore him for his noble character.人们因他人格高贵而敬重他。2. 爱慕,热爱We adore our sisters and brothers.我们爱自己的兄弟姐妹。3. 【口】极喜欢[+v-ing]She adores going to the theater.她就是爱看戏。I adore chocolate.我非常喜欢巧克力。


love是什么意思 -
1. 你应仿效伟大善良的人。You should imitate great and good people.2. 人们来到纪念馆崇敬地纪念这位伟大的领袖。People came to the memorial to revere the memory of the great leader.3. 拿破仑是一位伟大的将领。Napoleon was a great general.4. 没有一件伟大的事情可以达成而没有热诚。N还有呢?
尺子的英语单词是什么? -
在尺子上分厘米刻度。四线三格写法如图。近义词leader 读音:英['liːdə(r)] 、美['liːdər]意思:n. 领袖;领导者;指挥者;领先的人举例:People came to the memorial to revere the memory of the great leader.人们来到纪念馆崇敬地纪念这位伟大的领袖。
god sanctify apotheosize 2. 奉献,献身give devote assign promise dedicate apply pledge commit vow 3. 把是什么。奉为神圣,尊奉glorify honour celebrate bow extol exalt praise down esteem revere venerate laud to 其他释义christen 反义词vt.1. 奉献;使神圣desecrate 其他释义desecrate 是什么。
paint a picture是什么意思 -
4.He had received a commission to paint a picture for the Canadian ambassador.他接受了为加拿大大使画像的任务。5.It does not paint a picture of a denomination that you belong to.它并不是描绘一幅你所属的宗派的画面。6.Paint a picture-perfect smile.画一幅照片式完美的微笑。
Dead inside!内心已死!Revere a million prayers 心怀崇敬,祈祷万年,And draw me into your holiness 吸引着我进入你的圣光But there's nothing there 然而那里空无一物Light only shines from those who share 光芒只会从愿意分享的圣人发散出来Unleash a million drones 解开无所事事之人的束缚等我继续说。
父辞子笑什么意思? -
you are looking for it or not,It is not going to be controlled by you.If one day you meet true love,Rather if true love ever meets you,Be sure to treasure it, cherish it, revere it, and savor it.Because this is the love in the best way,And it's always true有帮助请点赞。.