



2024-07-19 02:18:16 来源:网络


well-dressed是什么意思 -
well-dressed [英]['wel'drest][美]['wel'drest]adj.穿着考究的; 穿着入时的; 穿得好的;双语例句1 The well-dressed man is he whose clothes you never notice 服饰得体的人使你永远也不会注意到他的穿着2 So?-you'd be one well-dressed widow.那又怎样?你会成为一名着装体面的是什么。
衣着华丽的的英文:well-dressed 参考例句:The magnificent beau is dancing to the light of chandeliers.这个衣着华丽的花花公子在枝形吊灯灯光下翩翩起舞。She is extravagant in dress.她衣着华丽。Good clothes open all doors门不挡衣着华丽的人A lady in full feather approached the sentinel on 等我继续说。


well-dressed的词组搭配 -
be well-dressed衣着讲究The Well-Dressed Home时尚家居The Well-Dressed Ape书名a well-dressed man一个穿着讲究的人a well-dressed lady一位穿着体面的女士Most Well-Dressed Teacher Award穿着最得体的老师a fashionable well-dressed man讲究穿戴的人well-behaved well-dressed well-educated说完了。
well-dressed 是合成形容词,意思是“穿着入时/穿着考究的”作表语:He was a tall, well-dressed African. 他是一个高个子、穿着入时的非洲人作定语:They are all well-dressed young executives. 他们都是穿着考究的年轻经理。article有两种词性名词:表示“物件”、“条款”、“文章”、“..
well dressed的意思和用法 -
衣着讲究的精干的英文 -
1、At the barricade of the Rue des Menetriers, a well-dressed man distributed money to the workmen.在游乡提琴手街的街垒里,有个穿得相当好的人向工人们发钱。2、Several years later, a well-dressed man greeted me on a train.几年后,一个穿着体面的男人在火车上向我打招呼。3、..
well-dressed穿着讲究的。well-dressing华丽的衣服。在英国还有一种习俗,给井在夏天的时候用花朵打扮,也叫well dressing。Well dressing (also once known as well flowering) is a summer custompractised in rural England in which wells, springs or other water sources are decorated with designs 到此结束了?。
英文里有个词形容那种整天穿的很正经的人 -
He is elegantly dressed / is well-dressed. 他衣冠楚楚。He is an elegantly dressed man / is a well-dressed man. 他是个衣冠楚楚的人。He dresses well / elegantly. 他衣冠楚楚。2. dressy (服装)漂亮雅致的,讲究的, 衣着考究的The dressy manager was shaken by the hand three 到此结束了?。
可以用admirable.His clothes are admirable.他衣着考究。