



2024-07-17 23:20:25 来源:网络


vigorously音乐术语速度多少 -
vigorously翻译为:有力地,精力充沛地。不用作音乐术语的速度表示。音乐术语是指在音乐表演中用来指导演奏者表演的专业术语。分为速度术语,力度术语,表情术语三大类。速度术语“tempo”是借用了意大利语的“时间”,源于拉丁语的“tempus”。现代音乐通常以“拍每分钟”(beats per minute,简写为bpm)作还有呢?


请高手翻译解析下面句的意思 -
1、He is famous for vigorously opposing the use of chemicals to kill pets.PS:解析vigorously opposing 并翻译这句话。=>vigorously opposing积极反对全句翻译:他因为积极反对用化学品杀宠物而出名。2、What would you recommended for a tenth-grader?PS:解析tenth-grader到底是十年级的学生,还有帮助请点赞。
英语句子翻译与分析 -
句子意思:继续去寻找工作,就像不会找不到工作一样充满激情。(意译)状语从句:整个状语部分是虚拟语气。表示与现在事实相反的语气。be后接的是由as···as结构组成的表语。第一个as既是状语从句的引导词又是as结构的一部分正常语序:You would keep job searching just as vigorously as if this 还有呢?
It clearly hurts? 这个很难做翻译,必须联系上下文才能决定真正的意思。She backed off,她放弃了groomed vigorously,用力地擦洗,动作的幅度是很大的,
英语怎么翻译? -
It was burning vigorously and warm. How comfortable it was! Hey, what's going on here? She had just put her foot out to warm it up, and the match went out and the stove disappeared. She sat there with only one burnt matchstick in her hand. 这是一道奇异的火光!小女孩觉得自己好像坐是什么。
So some people want to be more vigorously the development of artificial intelligence,让我们的生活实现全面智能化。他们认为,在未来,Let our life to achieve full intelligence.They think that in the future,人类将会完全解放自己的双手Human beings will completely free their hands 所有的事情有帮助请点赞。
请高手帮我翻译成英文,不能用软件直译。 -
国名牌商品的崛起,对于大力发展我国市场经济,振兴民族工业,加速国民经济的腾飞,无疑起到了巨大的推动和促进作用。The rise of China's brand-name merchandise, vigorously develop China's market economy, revitalize national industry, accelerate the economic take-off, undoubtedly played a huge 等我继续说。
English is more than just learning grammatical rules and vocabulary.3.他脸上的表情似乎告诉我们他什么都知道[seem]The expression on his face seems to tell us that he knows everything.4.人们能让狗完成很多困难的任务,所以狗是我们最好的朋友[make]Human can make dogs complete a lot of 希望你能满意。