



2024-07-05 04:09:01 来源:网络


出其不意的英语怎么说 -
出其不意意思是出乎对方意料之外,可以翻译如下:take sb. by surprise beyond one's range of expectation catch sb. unprepared catch [或take] someone napping (使某人措手不及)
不打无准备之仗英文翻译:Do not fight unprepared battles.重点词汇释义:无准备:unprepared 仗:war; battle; weaponry; weapons; warfare


翻译:(电子邮件)it can be unprepared or carefully constr -
分析:unprepared无准备的;即席的;尚未准备好的。如unprepared question 应变能力I was totally unprepared for the announcement on the next day.我对次日的通告毫无准备。constructed构造,建造;创立The building was constructed from the design of that architect.这幢大楼是按那位建筑师的设计建造是什么。
without any unpleasantness.
冬天刚刚来临,就有一股较强的冷空气来袭,使得人们措手不及。As soon as the winter approached, there was a severe cold wave making people unprepared.或:People was caught unprepared by the severe cold wave occurred as the winter just approached.您好,提供两种翻译如上供参考,不明白可到此结束了?。
5.各不见经传 The obscure 6.社会反响Social repercussions 7.自我陶醉 narcissism 8.感情交流 Emotion exchange 9.深为感动Deeply moved by 10.兢兢业业conscientiously 11.踏踏实实 widespread.i 12.远大抱负Soaring aspirations 13.措手不及unprepared 14.患病猝死Sudden illness 15.哀思后面会介绍。
chances never favor unprepared minds翻译 -
中文意思是:机会从不偏爱没有准备的头脑。也可以读作:Opportunity never favors the unprepared mind.chances n.机会( chance的名词复数);偶然;风险;某事发生的可能性never 英[ˈnevə(r)] 美[ˈnɛvɚ]adv.从不,从来没有;一点也不,决不;<口>不会…吧等会说。
we are unprepared我们措手不及do with all our best用尽毕生的力量we can not take it back却再也挽不回它tell us告诉我们it turns out 原来that we are guests each other in our life彼此只是生命中的过客just like smoke就像烟火after the beautiful moment 在绽放了那美丽的一瞬间好了吧!
THE NATIONAL-slow show歌词求翻译 拒绝百度谷歌硬性词词翻译
every minute more unprepared 随着这不期而遇的每分每秒I made a mistake in my life today 今天我犯了生命中的一个大错everything I love gets lost in drawers 我爱的一切都消失在抽屉尽头I want to start over, I want to be winning 我想要重来,我想要胜利way out of sync from 说完了。
措手不及unaware unprepared错综复杂、扑朔迷离anfractuosity 错综复杂的anfractuous daedal reticula sinuous打草惊蛇act rashly and alert the enemy大材小用waste one's talent on a petty job大公无私selfless大海捞针look for a needle in a bottle of hay 大惑不解be extremely puzzled等我继续说。