



2024-06-22 17:46:40 来源:网络


gala怎么读 -
gala 英['ɡɑ:lə]美[ˈɡelə, ˈɡælə, ˈɡɑlə]n.节日;庆祝adj.节日的;欢乐的名词复数:galas [例句]But the cctv gala went unchallenged in most parts of the country.中央电视台的晚会在中国大多数地区都未受到挑战。
go unchallenged; be approved;"The bill cleared the House"pass time in a specific way;"how are you spending your summer vacation?"pass over, across, or through;"He ran his eyes over her body""She ran her fingers along the carved figurine""He drew her hair through his fingers"transmit in好了吧!


女士们,先生们英文怎么读呢? -
英[ˈleɪdɪz ənd ˈdʒɛnt(ə)lmən] 美[ˈleɪdiz ənd ˈdʒɛntəlmɪn]女士们、先生们;女士们,先生们;女士们先生们;女士们和先生们;先生们女士们1、ladies 英[ˈlei说完了。
5、The social scientists are right to say that we should be a little sceptical of greatness, and that we should always look in the next room. 社会科学家们说得对,我们应该对伟大保持一点怀疑,我们应该总是去隔壁看看。6、Today Dickens' greatness is unchallenged . 如今,狄更斯的伟大是好了吧!
pass怎么读英语 -
1、They will not allow your more way-out ideas to pass unchallenged.他们不会放过你这些古怪的念头的。2、He stood emotionless as he heard the judge pass sentence.他面无表情地站在那里,听法官宣布判决。3、Your partner should then pass the ball back to you.然后你的搭档应该将球回传好了吧!
leader英[ˈli:də(r)]美[ˈlidɚ]n.领袖,领导者; 负责人; 指挥者; 领唱者;全部释义>> [例句]He is the unchallenged leader of the strongest republic.他是这个最强大的共和国的绝对领袖。更多例句>> 复数:leaders 相关单词:Leader LEADER 是什么。
迈克尔杰克逊的英文悼词 -
当他开始戴手套,我说,“怎么戴手套了?”“瞧,如果你想牵我的手,你得用不戴手套的那一只;因为那些鳞片扎人。”他会摇摇头并微微一笑。他喜欢被逗弄。看到他微笑,会让你觉得一切都会好起来的。To the outside world, Michael was a genius with unchallenged ability. To the people who were lucky enough 等会说。
Hart,在1914年到1924年的时候,是他的巅峰时期supreme,那时的他几乎是无可调整的unchallenged. Hart开创了西部电影的基础格调basic formula, 也在他自己制作的许多电影里当主角protagonist, 他演过各种各样的角色,有时候是一个逃犯outlaw,有时候是一个被流言蜚语vicious gossip害的不轻的政府官员sheriff; 和其他当代的有帮助请点赞。
演讲稿用英语怎么说 -
8. The legislative program, dometic policy and speeches became his unchallenged domain.立法议案、国内政策和起草演讲稿,成为他毫无疑义的工作领域.9. This is only the first draft of speech which still needs editing.这只是我的演讲稿的第一稿,仍然需要进一步修改.10. I was summoned two 还有呢?
And I shall rule unchallenged.我走过这片土地,不停地寻找那能让我完整的东西。在高耸的卡拉隆山脉,安瑞尔山深处,放置着它。我要得到它。我的兄弟们不会白白的死去。而我将不可战胜地君临天下。巴尔有许多特殊的攻击手段传送(Teleport) 巴尔能四处传送但是它并不会在这个过程中自疗。衰老(Decrepify) 这和说完了。