



2024-07-20 13:27:51 来源:网络


toxic反义词 -
toxic adj. 有毒的adj. The factory had been sending out toxic fumes.adj. 这家工厂一直在排放有毒的废气。反义词nontoxic adj. 无毒的adj. The body meat that remains is delicious and nontoxic.adj. 而它的身体鱼肉部分是非常美味而且无毒的。


pnknght是什么意思? -
虽然pnknght在网络上流行,但近年来,出现了pnknght的反义词——“toxic masculinity”(有毒的男子气概)。这个词汇代表的是网络上那些不断散发负面、挑战和危害行为的人。这些用户通常以极端的态度表现自己的观点,尖锐批评和攻击他人。在这种社交环境下,pnknght就成了一种调和、平衡和包容的力量,帮助社希望你能满意。
[反] harmful, noxious not producing any toxic effects unlikely to harm or disturb anyone harmless old man [同] harmless, innocuous not threatening to life or health; not malignant a benign tumor is usually harmless [同] harmless, nonmalignant 还有呢?
feu是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉 -
反义词:calme, extinction, indifférence, vivant 《当代法汉科技词典》1. (复数~x)n. m.【工程技术】火2. (复数~x)n. m.【航海】升火3. n. m 【物理学】火4. n. m 【医学】火5. (复数~x)n. m.【医学】烧灼(复数~x)n. m.【空】航行灯feu m.(交通)灯;等会说。
Thanks for watching video how to make non-toxic air fresheners 他还会到卫生间,把我的内衣拿到外面晒,这样我的*** 闻起来会更清新。He would also go into the bathroom, take my underwear off the line and hang it outside so it would *** ell fresher.你的文笔很清新.Your 到此结束了?。
清新的反义词 -
Thanks for watching video how to make non-toxic air fresheners 他还会到卫生间,把我的内衣拿到外面晒,这样我的*** 闻起来会更清新。He would also go into the bathroom, take my underwear off the line and hang it outside so it would *** ell fresher.你的文笔很清新.Your 还有呢?
material noun 1 substance ADJ. combustible, flammable, hazardous, inflammable, radioactive, toxic | recyclable | man-made 2 things for making sth ADJ. raw Higher raw material costs have pushed up the price of many manufactured goods. | industrial | building a storeroom full of building materials希望你能满意。
antipyretic翻译 -
antipyretic翻译:退热的。【近义词】:febrifuge退热药。【反义词】:pyretic热的。【词汇搭配】:antipyretic analgesic解热镇痛药,antipyretic and antitoxic bolus清瘟解毒丸,antipyretic dichroa常山。【临近单词】:Antipova anti anti-abrasion、coating antistreptococcus、serum antiketogenic、substance anti-等会说。