



2024-07-18 22:31:10 来源:网络


throw的意思及例句 -
1. I don't rant and rave or throw tea cups.我不会大喊大叫或摔茶杯。2. This new information does throw doubt on their choice.这个新信息确实使人们对他们的选择产生了怀疑。3. We can't just sit by and watch you throw your life away.我们不能眼睁睁地看着你毁掉自己的生活。4. 等会说。
“throw”是一个英文单词,意思是“扔、投掷”,常常用于表示将物体从手中快速抛出或扔出的动作。以下是几个用“throw”造句的例子:He threw the ball to his friend.(他把球扔给了他的朋友。)She threw her hat on the ground in frustration.(她沮丧地把帽子扔在了地上。)The angry custo到此结束了?。


throw怎么造句 -
1. I don't rant and rave or throw tea cups.我不会大喊大叫或摔茶杯。2. This new information does throw doubt on their choice.这个新信息确实使人们对他们的选择产生了怀疑。3. We can't just sit by and watch you throw your life away.我们不能眼睁睁地看着你毁掉自己的生活。4. 希望你能满意。
I used to hit out at my husband and throw things at him.我过去常试图打我丈夫,向他扔东西。The Australian government's answer to the problem has been to throw money at it.澳大利亚政府对这个问题的解决方案一直就是大把往里扔钱。
用throw caution to the wind造句 -
1.Throw caution to the wind, in case of failure, we just start from scratch again.豁出去了,要真的失败了,我们大不了从头开始。2.I'm not suggesting we throw caution to the wind, surrender our standards or accept shoddy work.我不是建议我们去把警惕抛到九霄云外,放弃标准,或者是什么。
Throw the ball to him.Lets throw tomatos at that clown.Throw that thing away,its useless.What you did to save that dog is quite brave.Be quiet in class because students are trying to learn.Don't cause any trouble.There is no reason to be mean to me.Don't drop that vask有帮助请点赞。
throw in the cards 是什么意思?给个造句 谢谢! -
throw in the cards 这是打牌时说的牌运不好,就可以说这句话把手里的牌扔掉意思是决定不打了..例句: It's time to throw in the cards and push ourselves away from the table.
用throw down造句子? -
Then suddenly she throw down the phone palsy into the sofa.然后她“嘭”地摔掉电话,软瘫到沙发上了。
throw oneself into造句如下:1、My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war.我这一代人在成长过程中没有经历过世界大战。2、She was one of the greatest minds of her generation.她是她那一代人中最聪慧的人之一。3、She was one of the best tennis players of her还有呢?