



2024-07-05 21:38:12 来源:网络


through造句 -
through造句如下:1、She was fortunate, though.2、Not this time, though.3、There are differences, though.4、The trick boomeranged, though.5、You know what though?6、Manually overriding this works, though.7、That's an idiotic reply though.8、This is little consolation though.9、The等我继续说。
1. I toured through Europe last summer.去年夏天我周游了欧洲。2. Can the table go through the door?这张桌子能过得了那扇门吗?3. They hewed a path through the jungle.他们在丛林中开辟出一条路。


用through造句×2 -
1. I toured through Europe last summer.去年夏天我周游了欧洲。2. Can the table go through the door? 这张桌子能过得了那扇门吗?
And steals through the world!偷偷地经过这个世界!
across、through的区分并造句? -
across为“横穿、横过、横渡、横跨”例:I swam across the Changjiang River 20 years ago.20年前我横渡了长江。Look left and right before you go across the street.过马路时要左右看。through为“贯通、直穿、透过、穿过”的意思,即是从一头(边)贯穿到另一头(边)。例:The river runs 等会说。
get sb through造句如下:1、My parents always supported me and got me through the toughest times.2、It was their encouragement and love that got me through the break-up.3、I don't know how I would have gotten through college without my friends.4、She's a great mentor, and 等会说。
英语 先翻译,再造句 -
英语先翻译,再造句2. flow right through the park - 穿流过公园The small stream flows right through the park3. go fishing on the lake - 到湖上吊鱼He likes to go finishing on the lake.4. be covered with
1、He was going through a very difficult time 他正处于非常艰难的时期。2、It was evident that someone had gone through my possessions.显然有人翻过我的物品。3、Going through his list of customers is a massive job.查阅他的客户名单是个相当费劲的活儿。4、Every night, they go through有帮助请点赞。
go through英语造句 -
I have gone through the hard time in my life.(我度过了人生中的艰难时刻)望采纳,
1.一般过去式She went through hard life in her childhood.她童年时期经历了困苦的生活。2.现在进行时At present, China is going through a period of enormous personal and sexual freedom.当前,中国正处于个人与性都有很大自由的时代。3.现在完成时(不说“现在过去式”)The computer has 等会说。