



2024-07-19 06:35:09 来源:网络


through是什么意思 -
1、在美国,through意为“完了的”,through with意为“关于??完了的”。get through with the examination意为“考试完毕”,但get through the examination(没有with)在英美都意为“考试及格”;2、在美国,from Monday through Friday意为“从周一到周五,包括周五”,from astronomy through zoolog还有呢?
through [英][θru:][美][θru]prep.通过,穿过; 经由; 透过; 凭借;adv.从头到尾; 彻底; 自始至终;adj.(电话)接通; 通话完毕; 有洞的; 直达的;以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The authorities confirm any possible matches through dnatests.当局通过dna测试来确认任何匹配的可能性。2.We s希望你能满意。


through是什么意思 -
1、在美国,through意为“完了的”,through with意为“关于……完了的”。get through with the examination意为“考试完毕”,但get through the examination(没有with)在英美都意为“考试及格”;2、through可作形容词。He is through with asking questions.他把要问的问题都已问完。若将句中好了吧!
through [英][θru:][美][θru]prep.透过; 经由; 通过,穿过; 凭借;adv.从头到尾; 彻底; 自始至终;adj.(电话)接通; 通话完毕; 有洞的; 直达的;例句1.Alice gazed pensively through the wet glass.艾丽斯透过湿漉漉的玻璃神情忧郁地凝视着窗外。2.They could hear music pulsing through好了吧!
through 什么意思 -
through 完全,彻底;彻头彻尾地through it all 一路走过(歌词);经过所有(歌词)go through with 完成,实行;把…进行到底once through 单程的更多收起词组短语prep.通过;穿过;凭借via, across adv.彻底;从头至尾to the core adj.[交]直达的;过境的;完结的finished, non-stop 是什么。
through 1. 穿过;通过The river runs through our village.这条河穿过我们的村子。2. 以,用,凭借She got the position through her older brother.她通过她哥哥获得那个职位。3. 由于,因为They became unemployed through no fault of their own.他们的失业不是由于自身的过失造成的。4. 从等会说。等会说。
through的意思 -
through:ad. 穿越,完全prep. 经过,穿过,凭借例句与用法:1. The river flows through the city from east to west.这条河从东到西贯穿这座城市。2. He walked home in the rain and was wet through.他冒雨步行回家,淋得浑身湿透。3. How soon will you be through?您要用多长时间打完有帮助请点赞。
I toured through Europe last summer.去年夏天我周游了欧洲。to swing through the trees 在树间荡来荡去3.从头到尾,在(整整一段时间)中:I have to work through the winter vacation.我整个寒假都得工作。We worked through the night.我们通宵工作。4.[美国英语]直到(某一时刻):The 希望你能满意。
through是什么意思中文翻译? -
在英语里,“through”一般表示“穿过”、“经过”、“透过”等含义。在我们的生活中,这个词的应用十分广泛。比如说,我们可以说:“We walked through the park.”这句话就表示我们穿过了公园。同样地,我们也可以说:“I saw the light through the window.”这句话就表示我们透过窗户看到了光线希望你能满意。