



2024-07-19 17:37:24 来源:网络


swings怎么读 -
swings 摆动,摆动英[ swInz ]美[ swinz ](使)摆动,摇摆,摇荡;纵身跃向;荡向;悬吊到;(使)弧线运动,转弯,转动;摆动;挥动;转动;强节奏;改变;改变的程度;秋千;例句First , the author aims at the swings engine principle of work to analysis and design .首先,针对摆动发说完了。
5、其他]第三人称单数:swings 复数:swings 现在分词:swinging 过去式:swung 过去分词:swung。


荡秋千的英文怎么读 -
读音:斯维应。swing 英[swɪŋ] 美[swɪŋ]vt. (使)摇摆; (使)摇荡;n. 秋千; 摇摆,摆动; 摆程,振幅; 音律;vt. 使旋转; 使做曲线运动; 挥舞; 悬吊;[例句]for the uninitiated, western swing is a fusion of jazz, rhythm blues, rock r后面会介绍。
秋千用英语怎么说 -
11、There was no swing ,but now there are two swings in the park。12、Horse Races 赛马Boxing 拳击跳板springboard 秋千swing 石弓,弩crossbow putting the shot,shot put 推铅球throwing the discus 掷铁饼throwing the hammer 掷链锤throwing the javelin 掷标枪walk 竞走。13、..
constant swings of style from one extreme to the other 风格从这一极端到另一极端的经常改变swingback n.翻开后背羊羔的凹陷背部回到原来的立场[意见, 习惯等]swing-boat n.船形秋千swing-by n.【宇】利用中间行星或目的行星的引力场调整航向或航轨)借力式航道, 绕行星变轨希望你能满意。
秋千用英语怎么读 -
3、The park has a couple of swings for kids to play on.公园里有几个秋千供孩子们玩耍。4、They spent the afternoon swinging under the shade of the trees.他们整个下午都在树荫下荡秋千。5、He swung higher and higher until he felt like he could touch the sky.他越荡越高,直到说完了。
seesaw 英[ˈsiː sɔː , ˈsiːsɔː] 美[ˈsiː sɔː , ˈsiːsɔː]adv.上下动地[的];前后动地[的];交互地[的];拉锯性地[的]n.动摇;跷跷板(戏);上下动;前后动v.交替;涨落;动摇希望你能满意。
跳绳用英语怎么说? -
]n. 跳绳rope 英[rəʊp] 美[rop]n. 绳,绳索vt. 捆,绑vi. 拧成绳状n. (Rope)人名;英)罗普;芬)罗佩skipping 英[skɪpɪŋ] 美[skɪpɪŋ]n. 跳跃;暂时把货物腾空v. 跳过(skip的ing形式);轻快的跳;遗漏还有呢?
only with practice, patience, and persistence.只有通过练习、耐心和坚持不懈才能获得技能。4. In practice, however, such an attitude is counterproductive.然而在实际中,这种态度会适得其反。5. Educational practice is liable to sudden swings and changes.教育实践活动易出现突然的转向和变化。