



2024-06-29 11:15:22 来源:网络


stupid弯是什么意思? -
stupid。muddle-headed adj.头脑糊涂的。stupidadj.愚蠢的;笨的;呆头呆脑的;无聊的;乏味的;感觉迟钝的;神思恍惚的;昏昏沉沉的;恼人的;气人的。inflexible adj.坚定不移的;不屈不挠的;不能弯曲的;坚硬的;无法改变的;不变通的。having a one-track mind。双语例句:这个孩子看起来傻不是什么。


开头字母st是的单词有哪些? -
stupid、study、student、struggle、strong。一、stupid 英[ˈstju:pɪd] 美[ˈstu:pɪd]adj. 愚蠢的;迟钝的;乏味的;晕眩的,昏迷不醒的;n. <口>傻子,笨蛋;I'll never do anything so stupid again 我再也不会做这种傻事了。比较级:stupider 最高级说完了。
"Officer, look what they've done to my Beeeemer!!!", he whined."You lawyers are so materialistic, you make me sick!!!" retorted the officer, "You're so worried about your stupid BMW, that you didn't even notice that your left arm was ripped off!!!"【三】Questions:1有帮助请点赞。
我很笨的 英语怎么说 -
I am foolish.I am sally.I am culmsy.
5. stupid superstition!6. the batter with the butter is the batter that is better!7. the great greek grape growers grow great greek grapes.8. the soldier's shoulder surely hurts!9. there those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.1. there'后面会介绍。
求英文的脑筋急转弯和笑话,不用太难,要解析。 -
Once upon a time ,a stupid guy went to the doctor's. "What's the matter with you",asked the doctor. "I have been broken all!",said the fool . "Broken all,what's it mean?",the doctor was surprised. Then,the fool pointed to his head and said:"Ouch!There is something wrong 希望你能满意。
cause he was gone the next day.因为第二天他走了。And deep down I know I'm not a stupid girl内心深处我知道,我不是一个愚蠢的女孩but still I make all those mistakes, yeay但我仍然使所有这些错误,yeay I know there's a lot of stupid girls in this world我知道有很多愚蠢的希望你能满意。
含有st的英文单词有哪些 -
不变”即坚定。stiff a.严厉的;僵硬的,坚硬的;呆板的。遇事不知变通即为“呆板”。stubborn a.顽固的。遇事不知变通,坚持己见,即为“顽固”。stupid a.愚蠢的,迟钝的。遇事不知变通,以不变的思维应万变,即为“愚蠢”,如:刻舟求剑。sturdy a.坚定的。态度不变即“坚定”。
2、Stupid、is、as、stupid、does、蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福。3、Miracles、happen、every、day、奇迹每天都在发生。4、Jenny、and、I、was、like、peas、and、carrots、我和珍妮形影不离。5、Have、you、given、any、thought、to、your、future? 你有没有为将来打算过呢。6、You、just、stay是什么。