



2024-07-22 23:33:02 来源:网络


stealing中文意思 -
stealing主要用作名词、形容词、动词,作名词时译为“偷窃;贼赃;偷垒(棒球比赛中的犯规行为)”。stealing作形容词时译为“有偷窃行为的”,作动词时译为“偷盗;抄袭(steal的ing形式)”。例句:He was accused of stealing a small boy's bicycle。他被指控偷了一个小男孩的自行车。


stolen的中文意思是什么 -
n.(名词)The act of stealing.偷:偷的行为Slang A bargain.【俚语】讨价还价steal (someone's) thunder To use, appropriate, or preempt the use of another's idea, especially to one's own advantage and without consent by the originator.强占:使用、强占或用先买权占有别人想法的等我继续说。
疑邻盗斧,汉语四字成语。出自《吕氏春秋.有始览.去尤》篇。中国有个成语叫“疑邻盗斧”,讲的是一个人丢了一把斧子,怀疑是邻居偷了,怎么看邻居的一举一动都像是偷了斧子的。后来有一天斧子找到了,再看邻居的举动就怎么看都是正常的了。suspecting 怀疑;neighbor 邻居;stealing 偷盗;axe 有帮助请点赞。
掩耳盗铃成语解释是什么意思和造句,写一句话 -
比喻自己欺骗自己,明明掩盖不住的事情偏要想法子掩盖。 【出处】:《吕氏春秋·自知》:“百姓有得钟者,欲负而走,则钟大不可负。以椎毁之,钟况然有声。恐人闻之而夺己也,遽掩其耳。” 掩耳盗铃意思相近的四字成语 【成语】:自欺欺人【拼音】:zì qī qī rén 【解释等会说。
stealing in general 7. robbery 抢劫stealing from bank/shop with force 8. burglary 闯空门breaking into a home to steal 9. embezzlement 盗用侵占stealing money in your care 10.shoplifting 入店行窃stealing goods from a shop arson, arson 中文, black mail, black mail 中文, 说完了。
stole中文翻译 -
“stole”是一个英语单词,它的中文含义通常包括以下几种:1、偷、窃取这个意思指的是擅自占有或带走属于他人的物品。例如:The thief stole my purse while I wasn't looking.(小偷趁我不注意的时候偷了我的钱包。)She was caught stealing money from the cash register and fired immediately.(..
Plug one's ears while stealing a bell(掩耳盗铃)完整的英语,后面有中文原本:)~ In the Spring and Autumn period, a thief had stolen a bell and intended to carry it away on his back, but the bell was too bulky and heavy to be carried, so he tried to break it into pieces with a 到此结束了?。
...Gomez演唱的BANG BANG BANG 歌词翻译成中文。 -
Stealing all my love back, giving it to him把我对你的爱都偷回来,来献给现在的他Bang, bang, bang, this time I win砰砰砰,这次是我赢了把I thought your love was all that,曾经我以为你的爱就是我的全部Til I let him in直到让他进入我的世界You're gonna be the one你将会等会说。
send into中文意思:使处于(某种状态);使变得;把是什么。 送入是什么。例句:1.The king was sent into exile.国王遭到放逐。2.He was sent into prison for stealing.他由于偷窃被送入监狱。词汇搭配:1.send someone into exile放逐某人2.send someone into a fever of excitement使某人感到非常是什么。