



2024-07-21 23:33:55 来源:网络


steak中文翻译 -
steak n.牛排;肉排;肉块;碎牛肉(不是最佳部位,常剁碎出售,可以炖或做馅等);鱼排英/steɪk/ 美/steɪk/ 复数:steaks steak造句1、The steak was done to a turn这牛排煎得恰到好处。2、You can still eat only one steak at a time, talk to one person at a time说完了。


M.longissimus dorsi steaks怎么翻译啊? -
mess with 美国人经常说,这里意思是“惹住,惹毛等会说。 德州有句话叫:Don't mess with Texas 即指“别惹德克萨斯”,那边到处能看到。keep in steaks 意思是“拿牛排养着”,她是骄傲地对另一个女人这么说的。写了这么多,希望回答令您满意,如果有不明白的地方欢迎一起探讨)附:全部歌词Don'等会说。
英文翻译 £15.50 (per 2 steaks approx 220g each)的确切意思 大侠...
翻译就是:两块牛排(其中每块的重量大约是220克),总共是15.5英镑一般就是一个包装里这么装2块,所以用了each, each只是解释里面2块的每块大约重量的,
手工翻译的,供参考选用:1白饭Steamed Rice 2牛肉Steak 3猪肉 Pork 4羊肉Mutton 5菲力Fillet 6牛小排Veal 7铁板牛柳Beef Fillet 8蒜香沙朗牛排 Sirloin Steaks with Minced Garlic 9蒜香法兰克牛Frank Steak with Minced Garlic 10松阪猪Matsusaka Pork 11义式香草鸡腿Oregano-Seasoned Drumsticks 到此结束了?。
西餐厅英文翻译,哪位兄弟姐妹帮帮忙~~急求 -
Lemon juice, fried silver cod fish steaks Filet mignon French lamb chops (marinated)West cold steak American T-bone steak (salted)牛仔骨platoon (salted)Beef row Black Pepper Sirloin Steak (salted)California chicken row Guillermo sea bream Plum pork chops 香煎pork chops (The above 后面会介绍。
cheese topping翻译成中文的意思是:奶酪的、奶酪点缀,自发面皮。例句如下:Cook for 5 minutes. Turn steaks over. Divide blue cheese topping among steaks. Sear until topping softens and the steaks are medium-rare, about 5 minutes longer.将蓝纹奶酪料分成相应的份数放在牛扒的上面,再煎5好了吧!
thick翻译中文 -
Thick tuna steaks are eaten rare, like beef 。像牛肉一样,厚的金枪鱼排做到半熟即可食用。Make sure you cut the bread nice and thick。你一定要把面包片切得厚厚的。Draw a thick black line across the page。在此页上横画一条粗黑线。Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust是什么。
“辣椒”的英语日常常用chili 英['tʃɪli]   美['tʃɪli]n. 辣椒;红番椒作为英文名可以使用chili,常常为女性名称,表示为火辣性感的英英释义Noun:1、ground beef and chili peppers or chili powder often with tomatoes and kidney beans 2、very hot and后面会介绍。