



2024-07-22 05:15:51 来源:网络


you Silently away from .I wish silently -
翻译成英文是:你默默地离开。我希望安静。相关单词学习:silently 英[ˈsaɪləntli] 美[ˈsaɪləntlɪ]adv. 寂静地,沉默地; 闷头儿;[例句]She winked broadly at him and silently mouthed something 她使劲冲他使眼色,不出声地对他说了些什说完了。
沉默地翻译[网络]silently; In silence; tacitly; wordlessly;[例句]我姐姐沉默地坐了一会儿,陷入沉思。My sister sat silent for some time, lost in thought.


to be with you siliently 是什么意思 -
英文翻译:He lay still in silence as if he were dead.重点词汇释义:静静地:silently; softly; stilly 躺着:lie; off one's feet; recumbency 一动不动:keep one's body unmoved; still 好像:seem; be like 一样:equally; the same; alike; as后面会介绍。 as 后面会介绍。
I silently will protect you. -
我会像星星一样,默默守护你英文翻译如下:I will silently guarding you like a star.重点词汇释义:星星:star; tiny spot 一样:equally; the same; alike; as是什么。 as 默默:silently; quietly; mute 守护:guard; watch; defend; ward; guardianship 是什么。
帮我翻译几句英语.急~~ -
直译:我们活在雨天和晴天附近.(意译:人福患旦夕,月有阴晴阳缺.) many flapper move on your heart silently 多少落寞从你心里静静的走过.flapper [简明英汉词典][5flApE]n.拍击者(或物),鸭脚板,拍击具,苍蝇拍翻译为打击也有一定道理,但我觉得是叙述打击后的心情,所以用落寞.是什么。
随风潜入夜,润物细无声。英语是:With the breeze it sneaks into the tranquil night and nurtures every spring life spontaneously and silently.句子解释:breeze 英[bri:z] 美[briz]n. 微风; 轻而易举的事;vi. 吹微风; 逃走;[例句]Lopez breezed into the quarter-finals 到此结束了?。
歌词翻译一下:Blonde Redhead-Silently -
静静的整理凌乱的思绪。用英语表达翻译如下:Quietly tidy up a messy mind.重点词汇释义:整理arrange; put in order; reorganize; sort out; clean up 凌乱messy; untidy; in disorder; in a mess 思绪thinking; feeling; train of thought; mood 还有呢?