



2024-07-21 23:20:10 来源:网络


帮忙翻译几个英文单词 -
sightsee观光local当地的flight航班perfect完美的passenger乘客in a hurry迅速地,匆忙地,急切,立刻,乐意地be bored with对……厌烦see sb off送别,
游玩英语是sightsee (动词)或sightseeing (名词)但是用在翻译后的英语句子里读起来不很通顺,我觉得用英语思维这样说比较好:Welcome to China, everybody!希望对你有帮助,若满意请及时采纳,谢谢。


翻译成英语 -
观光go sight-seeing
Sightseeling Holiday
牛津英语9Bchapter2的全文翻译 -
sightseeing tour观光旅游 sightsee[ 'saitsi: ]vi. 观光,游览After the first five weeks, we visited Kyoto[ ki'?ut?u ], * the old capital of Japan, and Yokohama[ 'j?uk?'hɑ:m? ].* We stayed with* friendly families in these cities.五周之后,我们到了日本古都京都和横滨后面会介绍。
1 listens to concert 2 go sightseeing 3, read newspaper 4, see friend 5, go shopping 6, take photo 7, send email 8, greet somebody 9, go for a walk 10, swim in the sea
求翻译…… -
1.我们正期盼着游览长城We are looking forward to visiting the Great Wall.2.他每天读英语He reads English every day.3.明天有一部新电影Tomorrow is to be a new movie.4.下月我要去美国观光I will go to America for sighting.参考资料:百度知道有帮助请点赞。
英语翻译 -
台湾位于中国的东南部1、Taiwan is located at the southeast of China 2、Taiwan lies to the southeast of China 我想要这个夏季去那里观光。北京在上海的北部。1、I am going to sightsee there in summer。Beijing is located at the north of China 2、I want to sightsee there in summer是什么。
Television has provided us with a vivid world. Through televisions, we could be watching Olympic soccer matches, sight-seeing in New York or London, Listening to music concert with a cup of tea in hand, knowing what goes on in the world without stepping outside the house. 有帮助请点赞。