



2024-07-04 10:15:18 来源:网络


scary造句 -
1、The roller coaster ride was really scary.(过山车真的很吓人。)2、She screamed when she saw the scary movie.(当她看到恐怖电影时,她尖叫起来。)3、The dark forest was a bit scary at night.(黑暗的森林在晚上有点吓人。)4、The thunderstorm was really scary, and we all hid 等会说。
3、I found it really scary in the flat without him.我感到屋子里没有他就显得很可怕。


scary吓人的英语造句 -
Being alone in a dark cemetery can be very scary.独自一人在黑暗的墓地里是非常可怕的。It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions Iever made.当时这个决定相当可怕,但现在看来那是我这辈子做过最好的决定之一。If your child comes to you wit说完了。
My mother is friendly.
【吓人】的意思是什么?【吓人】是什么意思? -
★「吓人」在《现代汉语词典》第1407页 吓人的英语单词1.scary2.terrifying 用吓人造句1.”你瞧我的,”思嘉面带吓人的微笑回答,同时伸出一双满是血泡和茧子的手给卡琳看。2.“那个长得又黑又吓人、眼睛很丑的老头儿,才不会因为这个对我点头微笑呢3.“照这样看来,情形还不太严重,大约守城的等我继续说。
1、可怕的不是有那么多人比你优秀,而是那些优秀的人还比你更加努力 的英文译为:It's not scary that there many people who are better than you, but it is scary that those who are excellent still work harder than you.2、其中可怕的单词有:dreadful; fearful; frightening; frightful;还有呢?
英语造句,谁来帮我,高悬赏分。 -
他的眼睛很小I know about him.He is Ben.我知道他。他是本You are right.The answer is A 你是对的。答案是A He has a big head他有个大头His face looks scary.他的脸看起来很恐怖My hair is wet because I just take a shower.我的头发很湿,因为我才刚洗好澡Everyone has 等我继续说。
老虎The tigher is so scary.89. elephant n. 大象Elephants are very friendly. 90. dolphin n. 海豚I like dolphins. 91. panda n. 熊猫Pandas like to be quiet. 92. lion n. 狮子Lions are ugly. 93. penguin n. 企鹅Penguins are small and friendly.. 94. giraffe n. 长颈鹿Giraffe 还有呢?
frighten the life out of sb 用的什么语法,不能理解 -
没错的……就是一个短语,把某人吓得魂都丢了的意思,frighten本来就是原形啊。可以造句比如说,The movie is so scary!It frightens the life out of me.没错的,很常用,
1、I'm sorry,but I can't be sure about that.译文:不能保证会是这么个结果……但我会尽力做。2、Be sure about the purpose of writing the feature story.译文:确定好写特写的目的。3、That is scary,and we cannot be sure about changes in the future.译文:这是可怕的,..