



2024-07-19 19:20:28 来源:网络


resume怎么念? -
resume[英][rɪ'zju:m] [美][rɪˈzum]生词本简明释义vt.重新取得;重新开始;恢复;取回vi.重新开始;回到(之前的位置),重返复数:resumes第三人称单数:resumes过去式:resumed过去分词:resumed现在分词:resuming 例句:1、After the war he resumed his duties at Emmanuel是什么。
reassume [riə'sjum],重新承担或假定,暗示着过程的重启。resume [rɪ'zum],重新开始,无论在工作还是生活中。résumés [rezu'me],简历,承载着职业的"取"向。resumption [rɪ'zʌmpʃən],重新开始的旅程,持续不断。resumptive [rɪ'zʌmpt后面会介绍。


全新版大学英语第二版综合教程一单词 -
assumption-假定;假设presume-假定,假设,认为presumption consume consumption resume resumption 5. I complimented him on the work he had done. (L10) compliment: praise 赞扬,赞美v. compliment sb. on sth. praise sb. for sth.n. 赞美的言辞或行为;致意,问候(复数)Her guests complimented her on the 等会说。
我是武汉大学的,我们老师讲了,我吧PPT拷到我的电脑上来了。我的没有中文翻译,不过这样你可以更好的记住词的意思。earthquake aftershock magnitude Richter Scale barrier lake airdropped goods helicopter armed police casualties charity organization charity performance class resumption resume class 是什么。
如何办理进口商品检验?(请中英文对照回答) -
去报检公司啊 要用什么他就告诉你了你早晚要去报检的么,
Honey: (resume super cute state) is the youngest, it is not also like to eat cake then?17 Ring: 还有呢? I said, ah 还有呢? Oscar-winning friend Mirror: En? .. How it? 还有呢? Haizaitaba?18 Xin: It is not me who is the light,Are not just one who is my 19 Radio: From 还有呢?
2023几月份正式恢复护照使用 -
自2023年1月8日起,国家移民管理局将积极适应疫情防控新阶段新形势新要求,优化移民管理政策和措施。The National Immigration Administration issued a notice on Tuesday, saying that the optimized policies and measures include the resumption of accepting and approval of Chinese citizens' applications 等我继续说。
while in 2005 the annual growth rate of 1.5%. The first encouraging sign that France's resumption of the gas-export, which is the depreciation of the euro against the dollar results. This brings to vibrant export enterprises, and enterprises to book orders will be re-filled. Pri还有呢?
哪位英语高手帮小弟翻译一下 谢谢 -
(3) 00H is the address of a frame sent from the machine work on all of the control order, order the resumption of the slave SM2 = 1, waiting to receive state.(4) and from the host machine for the contact process;Host Address frame issued by the call from the machine 等我继续说。
By the book with his escape and hide the valley, although often speak of hunger and hardship Buchuo, after the resumption of inter-off grant Jianghuai.Jianwu 19 years, more than 60 years before major production Stuart House. , Hin-Chung Li for the crown prince before the 希望你能满意。