



2024-07-18 18:37:17 来源:网络


Restructuring是什么意思 -
问题一:调整用英文怎么说? improve redoing adjust readjust regulate restructure 问题二:调整用英语怎么翻译 调整adjust 比如:他这几天总是处于晨昏颠倒的状态, 应该调整一下了。His body is in a state where he can't distiniguish between morning and night, he will need some time 有帮助请点赞。


如何翻译"古建修缮、改造、扩建”,单词即可。。。 -
古建修缮: restoration, renovation 改造: rebuilding 扩建: expansion, extention
adjust 英[ə'dʒʌst] 美[ə'dʒʌst] ,按音标拼读。vt. 调整,使…适合;校准vi. 调整,校准;适应同近义词vt.调整,使…适合;校准regulate / coordinate / frame / restructure vi.调整,校准;适应correct / adapt to s后面会介绍。
over proposals to怎么翻译 是反对提案的意思么 -
the strike by A B C D over proposals to radically restructure their pension……翻译是这样写的abcd举行罢工,反对大幅调整他们养老金的提案(abcd是四类人群我懒得打了)具体见何凯文的2020时文精析第一篇我查了词典,没看到over表示反对的意思,希望大佬帮忙解释一下,但是还有呢?
拟认总裁Associate President 拟认监事长Associate Supervisor 本人系外语专业学生,不敢保证绝对正确。文中“拟认”一词在英语中急难对应,故取中文“代理”的译法。若君认为不妥,可用President to be拟认总裁Supervisor to be拟认监事长这种译法意思上是“将要任职的总裁,监事长”。意思上更贴切还有呢?
reinforce与strengthen的区别是什么? -
A plan to strengthen and restructure the EC.加强和改组欧洲共同体的计划。He wanted to strengthen rather than loosen union links.他希望加强,而不是放松工会的联系。He reaffirmed that it was essential to strengthen the rule of law.他重申了加强法治的必要性。因此,虽然这两个词在某些情况有帮助请点赞。
promotedto the strategic height, we actually take it in the place that is prior toexpanding, and promoting human capital, and conforming human resource, andadjusting human restructure;第二、把民营企业人才资源开发提升到战略高度。优先开发人才资源,提升人力资本,整合人才资源,调整人才结构;..
教育家用英语怎么说? -
就是说有两种翻译,哪种都是可以的。只不过它们有所侧重。educationalist 侧重指从事教育理论和教育方法研究的“教育家”或“教育理论研究者”educator 侧重泛指“教育工作者”“教师”,也有“教育家”的含义。下面我就详细的分析一下这两个单词。1、educationalist 的含义、语法、用法用例。读音:英/ˌed到此结束了?。
affecting economic and social development. There is insufficient internal impetus driving economic growth; our independent innovation capability is not strong; there is still considerable excess production capacity in some industries and it is becoming more difficult to restructure them;有帮助请点赞。