



2024-07-25 20:49:37 来源:网络


prompt replies是什么意思,英文翻译成中文? -
prompt replies 及时回复写信常用的语言,


Typically replies within few hours这句中文翻译啥意思? -
Typically replies within a few hours 通常在几个小时内回复,
nosy同义词有哪些 -
英音['nəuzi] ;美音['nəuzi] ;副词1.【口】好管闲事的;爱追问的2.大鼻子的3.有香味(或臭味)的词形变化形容词比较级nosier,nosiest 副词nosily 名称nosiness 英语解释offensively curious or inquisitive 例句monosyllabic replies,such as ‘yes’and ‘no’简短无后面会介绍。
2.There was a time when he was able to sing, while playing his guitar.曾有一段时间他能边弹吉他,边唱歌。3.'How much is that BC Rich? ' 'That's not a good guitar, sir, ' he replies. 'You don't want that. '“先生,那个吉他不怎么好”,他回答,“你不会想要那个的。
格林童话英语怎么说? -
the woman replies that the girl spins so much that her mother cannot afford to buy enough flax to keep her occupied. The Queen, impressed by such industry, offers to take the girl with her.Once at the castle, the queen takes the girl to a room filled with flax. If she sp好了吧!
The guy replies, "Oh, that was his mother. She wanted him to be a doctor."中文翻译:一个人带着他的狗走进一家酒吧。酒吧服务生对他说,ldquo;这里不能带狗进来,请离开吧!”那个人对服务生说,ldquo;这可不是一般的狗,它可是会弹钢琴的!”服务生回答说,ldquo;呃,..
英语,急求大神帮忙 -
/achieved】success after lots of hard work.中文翻译: 在经过很多努力工作后他最后取得了成功.51. Yang Liwei and Nile Haisheng are 【regarded as our national 【heroes】52.Every student is 【supposed】to 【master】a secondlanguage.53.I have received five 【replies】【to】my ad 等会说。
Thank God you finally replied me.The case is, I delivered the goods to Xinli Factory around May 20, but they refused to take the delivery, saying the goods still lint. I’ve talked to you about the linting. Whether it lints big pellets or small ones is beyond my control. 有帮助请点赞。