



2024-07-25 20:49:34 来源:网络


replied造句,急快,1点半之前最好 -
I wrote to him many times.but he never replied.
4.I stayed late at the party last night 昨晚我在宴会上呆晚了些5.I am just going to check this money 我正要去核查这笔钱6.Would you like to choose the wine?你要挑葡萄酒吗7.Can you spell it? 你能拼写她吗?8.Have you replied to this letter? 你回信了吗?9.He 到此结束了?。


已读不回是什么意思 -
the reading that has not replied
1.Ed, my husband, explained that the card was both from and to the newspaper deliveryman.我丈夫艾德解释说,这张卡片是送报员送来的,也是给送报员的。2.The newspaper came out weekly. It satirized political leaders.这份报纸每周出版,讽刺政治领导人。3.Prescott replied: "Typical of Mu有帮助请点赞。
有关标识的英语幽默小故事 -
“Yes,Mum.”Tommy replied,”I have tried them all.”一盒小火柴妈妈让汤米去马路对面的商店里买一盒好用的火柴。汤米回来后,妈妈问他,“你买的是好用的火柴吗?”“是的,妈妈。”汤米回答,“我把它们都试过了。”Father:Uh,oh,I think I just made an illegal right-hand turn.Susie:是什么。
造句:1、the student replied in Chinese, “You are socool!”学生用中文回答:“我说你真酷。”2、Other people around you look so cool and you often feel left behind or clueless, or that thefriends you do have do not really understand you.你周围的人看上去如此冷酷,让你觉得被抛到此结束了?。
tarts的中文翻译 -
1、基本释义:酸的,酸涩的,辛辣的,刻薄的,尖酸的,尖刻的,装点,装扮,粉饰,装饰得俗气等含义。2、使用:She replied, speaking for the first time, in her usual tart and offhand way.于是她开口回答了,用她平常那种尖酸刻薄的声调随口说道。She popped the tart into the oven.她把果到此结束了?。
optimists.我对乐观主义者的回答是“做梦去吧”。Cdb did not reply to requests for comment.国开行没有回应记者的置评请求。None of my letters have been replied to.我发出的信一封也没有回音。He did not reply to her question right away.他没有马上回答她的问题。希望能对你有所帮助到此结束了?。
用一般过去时造句(可以是肯定句、疑问句等) -
1. This was a very pleasant journey.2. We often went to the cinema.3. When the sun rose, we had already reached the river.4. We worked together at that time.5. My grandpa was only a farmer.6. Where else could we see such a beautiful mountain in the world?7. He 还有呢?
4.The thief stole his mobile phone and ran away qickly.5.I haven't heard about the accident.6.Come in, please!7.Many great changes have taken place in my hometown.8.What happened last night?9.I'm as old as my brother.Guess why?10.To my surprise,I replied so many 到此结束了?。