



2024-07-18 22:18:14 来源:网络


replied翻译 -
replied [英][rɪ'plaɪd][美][rɪ'plaɪd]v.回答,反应(reply的过去式和过去分词)例句:1.There is always a cup, "he replied, leaving me speechless and much the wiser that day.他这样回答我,“总会有杯子的。”2."You are looking for shades of grey有帮助请点赞。
adj.已回复的。动词reply的过去式和过去分词形式。一、读音:英[rɪ'plaɪd],美[rɪ'plaɪd]二、例句:They replied to the enemy's fire with a barrage.他们用一阵炮火回击敌人的射击。三、词汇用法:1、reply的基本意思是“回答”“答复”“作答”,主要指用语言文字等会说。


之前回复我英语怎么说 -
“那件衣服很好看,”迈克尔说。“谢谢,”她严肃地回答。其他] 第三人称单数:replies 复数:replies 现在分词:replying 过去式:replied过去分词:replied
returned 是回来的意思,gave是给的意思,sent是送的意思,replied是(以行动)回复,答复的意思,而且replied有和with搭配的固定词组。故选D。
‘relpy to sb’和‘reply for sb’有什么区别? -
reply for sb是主动的,reply to sb是被动的。用for的话,表示为了某人而做某事。如I bought a bag for my mother. 我为我母亲买了一个包。用to的话,表示做某事给某人,或者是某人是动作的承受者。如I bought a bag to my mother.我买了一个包给我母亲。前者是主动的,后者是被动的。
而reply 除后接that 从句或引出直接引语是及物动词外,一般只用作不及物动词.其后若接名词或代词作宾语,应借助介词to.如:He replied that he had changed his mind. 他回答说他改变了主意.He didn’t answer [reply to] my question. 他没有回答我的问题.比较下面两句:He did not know 等会说。
伊索寓言中英翻译 -
and wanting to drink, asked Reynard whether the water was good, and of there was plenty of it .The fox, dissembling the real danger of his case, replied :"come down, my friend, the water is so good that I can not drink enough of it, and so aboundant that it can not be exhausted好了吧!
初中的英语短文,要有翻译和问题,我给他80分!!! -
The day after her birthday,he phoned his mother.“What did you think of the bird,Mother?”He asked eagerly(热切地).His mother replied(回答),“Delicious!”一位好莱坞制片人决定送给他母亲一份生日礼物,那将比他的兄弟们送的任何礼物都要好。他听说有一只令人惊异的鸟能说十二种说完了。
翻译:我当时在想为什么你后来没有给我回复was wondering 是过去进行时希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可继续追问,