



2024-07-17 16:43:02 来源:网络


provide怎么读,什么意思? -
provide 英 [prəˈvaɪd]
提供的英语读英[prə'vaɪd],美[prə'vaɪd]。1、意思:v. 供给;提供;准备;规定;抚养。2、发音:英[prə'vaɪd],美[prə'vaɪd]。3、用法:provide用作及物动词时,可表示“提供,供给,供应,装备”,后可接名词或代词作简单宾语;还是什么。


提供的读音英语怎么说 -
中文谐音:泼外的vt. 提供,供给,供应;vt. 规定; 提供(+for); 装备; 预备;vi. 抚养,赡养(+for); 做准备; 预约(for 或against);[例句]I'll be glad to provide a copy of this 我很愿意提供它的一个副本。其他] 第三人称单数:provides 现在分词:providing 过去式:pr说完了。
provides的意思是提供; 供应; 给予; 规定。provides相关例句:1、It also provides the satellite services for the dish network.此外,其还为碟形网络公司(DishNetwork)提供卫星服务。2、The general management curriculum provides fundamental grounding in every business discipline.该综合管理课程旨在为有帮助请点赞。
service怎么读 -
service 美['sɜrvɪs];英['sɜː(r)vɪs]n.服务;使用;维修;发球v.维修;维护;检修;保养adj.服务性的;为提供后勤[资料等]服务的;武装部队的;服现役用的例句1.From the beginning to the end of the contract review after sale service.从合同还有呢?
读音:英['sɜːvɪs] 美['sɝvɪs]n. 服务,服侍;服役;仪式adj. 服务性的;耐用的;服现役的vt. 维修,检修;保养n. (Service)人名;英)瑟维斯[ 过去式serviced 过去分词serviced 现在分词servicing ]相关短语:service 服务Service Manager 服务等我继续说。
Service 怎么读 -
当局已表示他们将努力维持公共基础服务。2. N-COUNT 可数名词公共事业机构(或公司) You can sometimes refer to an organization or private company as a particular service when it provides something for the public or acts on behalf of the government. 【搭配模式】:oft in names 说完了。
She also cleans offices and serves in a local newsagent's. You can also use the same pattern with other words that refer to a person or business that provides a service, such ashairdresser ordentist.Three or four times a week they'll go to the hairdresser等会说。 It's worse than being at等会说。
pro怎么读英语 -
专业水平的(High Quality):"Professional" 还可以表示高质量、高标准的事物。例如,quot;The company provides professional services to its clients" 意为该公司向客户提供专业服务。职业道德的(Ethical):"Professional" 也可以表示遵守职业道德标准的人。例如,quot;He is a professional lawyer who 希望你能满意。
That hotel provides good meals. 那家旅馆供应丰盛的膳食。2. provide常用于下列结构:(1) provide sb. with sth. (提供给某人某物) 如:The managers provided us with a few computers. 经理们向我们提供了几台计算机。2) provide sth. for sb. (为某人提供某物) 如:They provided food and medicine 等我继续说。