



2024-07-19 18:31:52 来源:网络


prefer怎么读 -
以下结果由金山词霸提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典网络释义同反义词1.VERB更喜欢;偏好If you prefer someone or something, you like that person or thing better than another, and so you are more likely to choose them if there is a choice.Does he prefer a particular sort of music?还有呢?..
近义词:favor, love, prefer,反义词:dislike, hate, abhor


喜欢的反义词是什么? -
一、【反义词】厌烦,嫌恶,厌恶,腻烦,讨厌,痛恨,憎恶,仇恨二、【基本解释】O 喜欢xihuan (1) likeslovel :喜爱喜欢几种蔬菜(2)[ happyelated ]:愉快;高兴亦作"喜懂"。三、【英文翻译】1.(喜爱)like ; love ; prefer ; enjoy ; be fond of ; be keen on 四、【短语造句是什么。
prefer fancy enjoy appreciate admire want love go for care for be fond of 反义词喜欢dislike hate 像,如They are like brothers and sisters.他们就像兄弟姐妹一样。作法、程度等)和好了吧!一样Dick acts like a gentleman.迪克的举止如同绅士。与相称的It's not like her to be好了吧!
【英语题求解】!英语近义词反义词等。 -
近义词small(little)picture(photo) big(large) would like(prefer) quite(rather)反义词angry(happy) go out(go into) hungry(full) frout() last(first) happy(angry) after(before) right(left) first(last) good(bad) large(small)同音词pear(peer) father(farther)说完了。
情愿相关的反义词:不愿被迫受制基本解析:aspiration;wish]∶志愿;愿望宜遂情愿[be willing to]∶心里愿意情愿即刻撤兵。-《广东军务记》两相情愿[would rather]∶宁愿她情愿粉身碎骨,也不在敌人面前屈服情愿英文解释:愿意*** be willing to;prefer;would rather;had rather ;中英后面会介绍。
preferred是什么意思 -
在句子中,“preferred”可以表示个人喜好或选择。例如,“I prefer coffee over tea.”或者“This is the preferred method of communication for the company.”3. 近义词和反义词“preferred”的近义词包括“preferred choice”,表示首选或优先选择;“preferred option”,表示最佳选项或首选方案等。反义还有呢?
最喜欢的英文怎么写的? -
1、prefer 读法英[prɪˈfɜ:(r)] 美[prɪˈfɚ]作及物动词的意思是:更喜欢;提升,提拔;给予(债权人)优先权;提出(控告)作不及物动词的意思是:更喜欢,宁愿2、above all 读法英[əˈbʌv ɔ:l] 美[ə&后面会介绍。
读音:英[lʌv],美[lʌv]。释义:(1)n(名词):爱,热爱,爱情,喜好,喜爱;(2)v(动词):热爱,喜欢,很愿意。例句:I fell in love with the house.我喜欢上了这房子。变形:(1)第三人称单数:loves;(2)现在分词:loving;(3)过去式:loved。2、similar 读音好了吧!