



2024-07-19 14:26:08 来源:网络


nest中文翻译 -
nest中文翻译:美[nest]英[nest]。n.窝;鸟巢;巢穴;鸟窝。v.筑巢;巢居;嵌套(信息)。例句:Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, andit looks just like a bird's nest made of tree branches.从顶部看,体育馆好像是覆盖着一张灰等我继续说。
nest的意思是鸟巢;鸟窝;巢穴;窝;藏匿处;秘密窝点。筑巢;巢居;嵌套(信息)。nest 读音:英[nest]、美[nest]中文释义:(1)n.鸟巢;鸟窝;巢穴;窝;藏匿处;秘密窝点。(2)v.筑巢;巢居;嵌套(信息)。用法:作名词时意为“巢,窝;安乐窝;温床;人名;(德)内丝特;(英)内丝还有呢?


nest怎么读? -
nest,用作名词时,可以翻译的意思主要有巢、窝、温床、休息室、一套物件等,用作动词时,意思主要有筑巢、嵌套信息、为…筑巢等。五、例句:用作名词(n.)The bird is building a nest of straw and twigs.这只鸟在用稻草和小树枝筑巢。The swallow has made a nest under our eaves.燕子在我后面会介绍。
Do you want buy some bird's nest怎么翻译? -
Do you want buy some bird's nest?翻译:你想要买一些鸟巢吗?nest 英[nest]美[nest]n.鸟巢; 鸟窝; 巢穴; 窝; 藏匿处; 秘密窝点;v.筑巢; 巢居; 嵌套(信息);
英语nested exception怎么翻译? -
nested exception 意思是:嵌套异常nested 音标:英[ˈnestɪd] 美[ˈnestɪd]释义:v.筑巢;巢居;嵌套(信息)nest的过去分词和过去式应用举例:Computational Method of Nested Structure Complexity in Program 程序中嵌套结构复杂度的计算方法exception 音标:英[&#618是什么。
nest 巢穴,tail 尾巴,kitten 小猫,stable 马厩,fin 鱼翅,horse 马,shark 鲨鱼,hoof 蹄,bait 鱼饵,claw 爪,zoo 动物园,bird 鸟,eagle 鹰,tiger 虎,wing 翅膀,aquarium 水族箱,must 须,zebra 斑马,giraffe 长颈鹿,ant 蚂蚁,cockrouch 蟑螂,crocodile 鳄鱼,dinosaur 恐龙,hippopotamus还有呢?
nest to翻译 -
If you (如果你)were somewhere(某处) in Beijing, and wanted to go to the Bird Nest (想要去鸟巢)or National Stadium), how would you get there(你如何去)以上是直译How could I get to the Bird Nest.我如何去鸟巢。how can i get to the Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium Bird'到此结束了?。