



2024-07-18 04:47:39 来源:网络


我弟弟有克氏综合症,那我儿子会有问题吗,我是女的 -


male中文翻译 -
Male pseudohermaphroditi *** has been well-described in the testicular feminizing syndrome of man . 雄性的假两性畸形在男性睾丸女性化的综合症中已有报道。Without question, black people and women earn less than white males in the american economy . 毫无疑问,黑人和妇女在美国经等我继续说。
急求翻译高手帮助!汉译英,跪谢! -
All the patients are male aged from 41 to 67. The average is 54. The alcohol histories are 16 to 47 years and the average is 27.8 years. The white spirits they drink are 250g to 1000g per day. The alcohol contained are 162g to 590g, and 321.5g on average. All the到此结束了?。
Kartagener综合征(Kartagener’s syndrome ,KS)由支气管扩张、慢性鼻窦炎或鼻息肉、内脏反位三联征组成,主要表现反复呼吸道化脓性感染、咯血为特征的支气管扩张症状及副鼻窦炎和右位心。Kartagener综合征,又称为内脏逆位-鼻窦炎-支气管扩张综合征,或称家族性支气管扩张,属于先天性常染色体隐性遗传疾病还有呢?
有关生物染色体的问题 -
回答:不会更严重吧,谁少了什么都不行,包括常染色体。都会死的。死和死谁比谁严重? 是不是说汉语的人没有人能够回答你的问题;是不是三楼不说英语显示不出你回答问题的水平?是不是楼主你误以为这里是英文网站?
and the emergence of heart failure after acute myocardial infarction and high mortality rates, myocardial infarction within 1 to 2 years up to 59% mortality ~ 73%, significantly higher than the general crowd, and the Worcester heart Attack Study found that 3 / 4 males and 2 / 3 of women 好了吧!
ct的复数形式 -
evaluate several basic locations of helical CT three dimentional reconstruction in spine.目的探讨脊柱三维重建的几个基本方位。Methods CT findings in100 cases with Facet Syndrome were retrospectively analyzed for70 males and30 females.材料和方法搜集100例腰椎小关节综合征,男70例,女30例。
eg. Females make up only 24% of the illustrations whereas males constitute 76%. 2.…to form/comprise/constitute a half/third/fourth of……占…的1/2,1/3,1/4 eg. Female illustrions form less than a fourth of the total. 3.…account for…percent 占百分之几eg. …… accounting for 好了吧!