



2024-07-19 23:42:19 来源:网络


lifted怎么读 -
lifted的读法:英[lɪft] 美[lɪft] 。被)提起,举起,抬高,吊起;移开;移动;空运。lift的过去分词和过去式。双语例句:The old man lifted the barrow and trundled it away 。那个老头提起手推车,慢慢推走了。Here he has lifted the first diagonal pair of the legs。图中的好了吧!
lift的英文读音为:lɪft]。一、单词含义及变形1、lift的含义举起,抬起;举起;提升;鼓舞;抬起;消散;升起;耸立;电梯;举起;起重机;搭车。2、lift单词变形复数:lifts;过去式:lifted;过去分词:lifted;现在分词:lifting;第三人称单数:lifts。二、词组短语1、lift up:举起;激希望你能满意。


lift怎么读,怎么写,怎么用? -
第三人称单数:lifts 复数:lifts 现在分词:lifting 过去式:lifted 过去分词:lifted 例句:1、They took the lift to the fourth floor.他们坐电梯到了五楼。2、We got into the lift and sailed to the top floor 我们进了电梯,很快到了顶层。扶梯:escalator 读音:英[ˈesk&#好了吧!
8、Miles surprised the kid with a bear hug from the rear that lifted him off the ground.Miles出其不意的从后面一个熊抱将那哥们抱了起来。9、It was actually snowing very hard a few miles uphill toward Cottonwood Pass.实际上,下雪时即使几英里也很难登上卡顿山口。
handle怎么读 -
easily的读法是:英['iːzəli]、美['iːzəli]。释义:adv. 容易地;无疑地;很可能地。举例:1、We easily climbed down the side of the cliff.我们很容易地从悬崖边上爬下来了。2、This is easily recognized from its size and color.这种蚁可以很容易地通过其还有呢?
第一英语怎么写 -
例句:He lifted the cup for the fifth time this year.他今年第五次举起了获胜奖杯。Sixth 英[sɪksθ] 美[sɪksθ]简写:6th 复数:sixths 中文:第六;六分之一;例句:He lifted the cup for the sixth time this year.他今年第六次赢得这项锦标.Seventh 英[ˈsevnθ]后面会介绍。
Do not confuse carry and lift. When you carry something, you move it from one place to another without letting it touch the ground. When you lift something, you move it upwards using your hands or a machine. After you have lifted it, you may carry it to a different place还有呢?.
hurt英语怎么读音 -
hurt的读音为英[hɜ:t] 美[hɜ:rt] 。具体释义如下:hurt 英[hɜ:t] 美[hɜ:rt]vt.损害;使受伤;使伤心;使受皮肉之苦vi.疼痛;感到疼痛;受痛苦;有坏处,有害n.伤害;痛苦adj.受伤的;痛苦的;(受)损坏的1、hurt的基本意思是“伤痛”,主要指由于希望你能满意。
shelf[英][ʃelf] [美][ʃɛlf]生词本简明释义n.架子,搁板;棚;沙洲,暗礁;格,层复数:shelves 以下结果由金山词霸提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典同反义词1.N-COUNT(固定在墙上或橱柜上的)架子,搁板A shelf is a flat piece of wood, metal, or glass which is 好了吧!