



2024-07-18 14:29:44 来源:网络


遛狗的牵引绳怎么翻译 -
一种常见的翻译是'狗链',这个词比较形象,容易理解。但是,狗链一般是用于固定狗的位置,而不是用于遛狗。因此,用狗链来翻译dog leash有时可能会引起误解。另一种翻译是'狗绳',这个词更符合遛狗的实际情况,而且比较通用。但是,狗绳也可以指用于固定狗的位置的绳子,因此有时也会引起歧义。还有一到此结束了?。
Leash(缰绳)应该被误打成了Lead(铅)如果按照"Floppy pulled at his leash and raced up the stairs"应该就是"Floppy拉着他的缰绳跑上了台阶”的意思。


所有的狗必须被牵着的英文怎么说```急`` -
lead:(牵狗等用的)绳索、皮带等。例句:Dogs are not allowed off the lead in public places.在公共场所不准解开牵狗皮带。“所有的狗必须被牵着”也可翻译成:All dogs are not allowed off the lead.
to be on a leash 拴在链条; 绳索上Dogs must be kept on a leash.狗必须用狗链拴起来。
把下列英文翻译成中文,中文翻译成英文 -
Tony binds his dog on a leash,so it can not chase Mrs. Lee's cat.请把书放在桌子上。Please put the book on the desk.Tony and Tina are very different.Tony likes music.Tina doesn't.Tony is an athlete.Tina isn't.托尼和蒂娜很不一样,托尼喜欢喜欢听音乐而蒂娜不喜欢,托尼是还有呢?
Freed from the gravital leash (脱离了重力的束缚)I swear the heaven's in my reach (我发誓天堂触手可达)Dancing with the spirit of the air(跟着空气的灵魂舞动。。。)In this ocean so so open and fair (在这广阔无边的海中)Making love to the gods above (与众神肉体缠绵。
研一、研二研三分别用英语怎么翻译? -
The dog yelped excitedly when his master opened a desk drawer and produced his leash.主人打开抽屉拿出牵狗用的皮带时,狗兴奋地叫了起来。She was a master of the English language 她是英文高手。Jackson remained calm and always master of his passions 杰克逊镇定自若,始终克制着情绪Duff 后面会介绍。
5.Shiki Lee(Shiki是游戏咎狗之血的人物,日文翻译成英文的词根是日文:シキ男名)6.Shaking Lee(Shaking有震动,震惊的意思哦)7.Shugin Lee 8.Sue(发世的音) Gini(发卿李的音)合起来是世卿李也是不错的选择女名9.Shooting(射击) Lee 男名10.Leash Queen(女)或Leash King(男到此结束了?。
翻译下面5个句子,英译汉,不要机器翻译,在线等,Thank you very much...
Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash.喷射飞机热带岛屿一直用金鍊拴住的老虎We don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair.我们才不在乎,我们不需要追踪报导你的风流韵事And we'll never be royals (royals).而我们永远不是什麼皇宫贵族(高贵名族)It don't 还有呢?