



2024-07-18 09:24:54 来源:网络


jered寓意 -
1. 摇动;震动;把…震得嘎嘎作响:例句: People still remembered the earthquake that had jarred this region last July.人们仍然记得去年七月发生的使该地区产生剧烈震动的那次地震。The wind jarred the windows.风震得窗户嘎嘎作响。2. 使(意志、决心等)动摇,使不坚定:例句: The challenges facing him jarred等会说。


开门英语 -
开门例句:1、不管谁打电话,都不要开门!Don't open the door,no matter who calls!2、他听到铃声响,就走过去开门。He went to open the door when he heard the tinkle of the bell.3、他开门时,铁门发出刺耳的嘎嘎声。The iron gate jarred when he opened it.4、她打开门,里面射出的还有呢?
"黑板"在英文中可以翻译成"blackboard",读音为/_bl_k_b__rd/。其中,quot;b" 发音为/b/,quot;l" 发音为/l/,quot;a" 发音为/_/,quot;c" 发音为/k/,quot;k" 发音为/k/,quot;b" 发音为/b/,quot;o" 发音为/__/,quot;a" 发音为/__/,quot;r" 发音为/r/,quot;d" 发音为/d/。在美式说完了。
jar of love的中文意思是什么? -
jar of love的中文意思是满满的爱。《Jar of Love》是中国原创音乐人曲婉婷的一首作品,收录在其首张专辑《Everything In The World》(北美版)和《我的歌声里》(亚洲版)中。歌词介绍:Soon it'll all be yesterday.转瞬间都将变为昨天。Another good day, another bad day.美好的一天等会说。
Her brown shoes jarred with the rest of the outfit。她那双棕色的鞋与她的衣着不协调。I'd like to try the brown shoes on。我想试穿这双棕色鞋子。She has a green bag and brown shoes。她有个绿色的包,穿棕色鞋子。He bought a pair of dark brown shoes。他买了一双深褐色的皮鞋等会说。
我闹心。英语意思是? -
1. You got me all bent out of shape.你使我心烦。2. That gives me the hump.那事使我心烦。3. The news completely upset him.这条消息使他极为心烦。4. The child's screams jarred my nerves.那孩子的尖叫声让我心烦。5. That man really bugs me.那个人真让我心烦。6. It's 希望你能满意。
But what the lad said jarred Paul all the way down to his heels. "I wish," the boy went on, "That I could be a brother like that." Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, "Would you like to take a ride in my car?" "Oh yes, Id love that." 是什么。
bone翻译 -
bone 英[bəʊn] 美[boʊn]n. 骨头; 尸骨; 骨质物; 有…样的骨头的;vt. 挑鱼刺,剔骨头; 剔去…的骨;vi. 苦学; 专心致志;[例句]The fall jarred every bone in my body.那一跤摔得我浑身骨头酸痛。如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck后面会介绍。
读音:英[bəʊn];美[boʊn] 。字义:1、n.骨头;骨;骨质;有……样的骨头的2、v.挑掉……的鱼刺;剔去……的骨头短语搭配1、lacrimal bone[解剖]泪骨2、bone marrow髓; 髓样; 慢性3、Bone Wars骨头大战4、scaphoid bone[解剖]手舟骨; 舟骨; 腕舟骨是什么。