



2024-07-21 03:21:34 来源:网络


imitate什么意思 -
imitate是仿效的意思。一、中文翻译:作及物动词,仿效;模仿(某人的讲话、举止);作滑稽模仿。二、发音:三、例句:1.He knew that the boys used to imitate his and laugh at his behind his back.他知道那些男孩子过去常在背地里模仿他、嘲笑他。2.They want to imitate what they see.他们等我继续说。
您好,imitate 翻译成中文有以下的意思:模仿;模仿;仿;模拟;仿效;仿效;仿造;学;照搬;拟;冒充;效;摹;复制;摹仿;借鉴过去式:imitated 过去分词:imitated 现在分词:imitating 第三人称单数:imitates 派生词:imitable, imitator 双语例句:Some parrots can imitate sounds (of human是什么。


模仿的 英文翻译 -
模仿的英文是imitate。英[ˈɪmɪteɪt]美[ˈɪmɪteɪt]v.模仿;仿效;模仿(某人的讲话、举止);作滑稽模仿。[例句]Her style of painting has been imitated by other artists.她的绘画风格为其他画家所模仿。近义词follow 英[ˈf&#594有帮助请点赞。
Imitate表示模仿某人或某物的行为、语言或风格。它强调的是行为或表达方式的相似性。语法详解区别:Mimic通常后面接被模仿的对象,例如:quot;The parrot mimics the sound of a car engine."(鹦鹉模仿汽车引擎的声音。)Imitate后面可以接被模仿的对象,也可以接模仿的方式或结果,例如:quot;She imitates her 是什么。
...form of flattery,是个什么意思,怎么翻译啊? -
adj. 人造的,仿制的,伪造的短语Imitation of Life春风秋雨; 生活的摹仿; 虚伪的一生; 生活的模仿The Imitation Game 模仿游戏; 模拟游戏; 仿照游戏imitation leather 充牛皮装订同根词词根:imitate adj.imitative 模仿的;仿制的n.imitator 模仿者;自] 模拟器vt.imitate 模仿希望你能满意。
英语imitating the lines in them的翻译:模仿里面的台词。重点词汇:imitating v. 模仿,仿效;仿造,伪造(imitate 的现在分词)短语imitating mapping 模拟法测图imitating American Idol 模仿美国偶像Art Imitating Life 艺术模仿生活例句Then one of them had the brilliant idea of imitating 等会说。
I hate people who imitate 什么意思 -
1. Of or involving imitation.2. Not original; derivative.3. Tending to imitate.4. Onomatopoeic.The theory sees humans as naturally imitative—(see A as B,将A看作B,B可以是名字也可以是形容词性;破折号后是对as naturally imitative进行解释。)as taking pleasure (taking pleasure in有帮助请点赞。
emulate的翻译 -
英英释义为:compete with successfully;imitate the function of (another system), as by modifying the hardware or the software;strive to equal or match, especially by imitating。Computer Science To imitate the function of (another system), as by modifications to hardware or software 等会说。
责备blame 模仿imitate 强盗Robber 适应Adapt 骂人Curse people 骂Scold 温柔的Gentle 公司职员Company officer 白领White-collar 适当的Suitable 考试是必要的The test is essential 笛子Bamboo flute 暴力Violence 酸雨Acid rain 沙尘暴现象越来越严重Sand storm phenomenon more and more serious 污水未经处理就好了吧!