



2024-07-21 01:13:59 来源:网络


imagine的用法 -
三、形式第三人称单数:imagines 现在分词:imagining 过去式:imagined 过去分词:imagined 四、短语搭配try to imagine 试图想象(或猜想)difficult to imagine 难以想象(或猜想)easy to imagine 易于想象(或猜想)hard to imagine 很难想象(或猜想)五、双语例句1.I can just imagine his reaction到此结束了?。.
总结imagine的四种用法如下:1) imagine + n. 想象,设想If we imagine our application as a house, each window is a separate room.如果我们将程序想象成一座房子,每个窗口则是一个单独的房间。2) imagine + that从句胡乱猜想??;认为?? They imagined that they had learned from the 希望你能满意。


imagine的用法 -
Imagine you've been shipwrecked.想象你遭遇到了船舶失事。Try to imagine a jet which is more than seventy meters long and more than five stories high at the tail."试着想像一下一架喷气式飞机长七十多米,尾部比五层楼还要高。quot;以为;假想I imagine him as a big tall man.我以为他是说完了。
imagine 这个英语单词来自于其名词image,而image 是“可视的图像”,通过“可视的图像”在脑海中再次imagine“幻想;想像;臆想”出一个“虚拟;非真实的”的“图像”就是imagine 的意思和用法了。希望上面的分析,例句和解析可以帮到您理解imagine 这个英语谓语动词的意思和其使用方法。
imagine怎么用? -
用法一I can imagine the scene clearly in my mind.直接加名词用法二I cannot imagine what to do in this dreadful situation.加从句,用what 用法三I can't imagine lying like that. I would go crazy.加动词用分词形式即-ing 用法四He imagined himself as manager of the company说完了。.
imagine的用法?? -
imagine的用法,这个经常考意思:想象, 猜想, 推测, 认为, 相信(1)例子:You can imagine the situation there.你可以想象那里的情况。(2)imagine引导从句:He imagines that people don't believe him.他总是认为人们不信任他。I can't imagine what has happened.我想像不出发生了什么事。..
I imagine you're right.我猜你是对的To have a notion of or about without adequate foundation; fancy:猜想:在没有充分根据的情况下形成一个想法;幻想:She imagines herself to be a true artist.她幻想自己成了一个真正的艺术家v.intr.(不及物动词)To employ the imagination.想象:..
imagine这个词有什么用法? -
imagine [i'mædʒin]基本释义vt. 想像;猜想;臆断vi. 想像;猜想;想像起来同近义词n. 想像;猜想;臆断picture, think of n. 想像;猜想;想像起来think of, suppose 例句I can hardly imagine such a scene.Imagine yourself to be on a desert island.I know he's 有帮助请点赞。