



2024-07-17 14:15:13 来源:网络


imagination翻译成中文 -
imagination翻译:想象力;空想;幻想物。例句:1、Parents should protect their children's precious imagination.父母应该保护孩子珍贵的想象力。2、Sometimes imagination is more important than knowledge.有时创造力比知识更重要。3、Everything he just said was just his imagination.他刚刚说的一切只是还有呢?
in my wildest imagination翻译是在我最疯狂的想象中。重点词汇:imagination n. 想像力,想像;幻觉,空想,幻想物;兴趣;创造力,创作力短语Keys to Imagination 幻想之匙; 想象的钥匙; 给想象钥匙; 天堂之约What An Imagination 多么丰盛的设想力; 如许丰盛的设想力; 想象力真丰富nurtu是什么。


英语单词翻译(中文意思和音标) -
Word PhoneticSymbol Meaning explain Ik5spleIn 解释,说明imagine I5mAdVIn v. 想像,幻想,猜测magnificent mAg5nIfIsnt a. 壮丽的,宏伟的conductor kEn5dQktE(r) n. 售票员导体wave weIv "n. 波,波浪,波动; v. 波动,挥动,起伏" shiny 5FaInI a. 有光泽的,发光的,辉煌的baton bA5tEn好了吧!
发挥你的想象力双语例句1. Use your imagination, but ensure that it is not injurious.运用你的想象力, 但是要确保不会伤害到幼犬.2. Then close your eyes and use your imagination.然后闭上你的眼睛和使用你的想象力.3. You will have to use your imagination.你将要发挥你的想像.4. Y说完了。
colorful day 翻译成中文 -
Imagination Never lose my passion It's on my way It's on my way now What ever it takes Not for the destination It's on my way It's on my way All my colorful days Never lose my passion It's on my way 翻译:想象在我的路上从来没有失去我的激情在我的路上像一阵有帮助请点赞。
active imagination翻译 -
关于active imagination翻译如下:活跃的想象力I took him to counseling when he was a child, but the therapist simply said Quentin had an active imagination and would grow out of it.他还是个小孩的时候,我带他去看过心里咨询医生,但那个临床医学家只是简单的说昆廷只是很富有想象,他长大后面会介绍。
imagination at work 是GE通用电气的广告语,中文翻译为“梦想启动未来”。
怎么翻译:imagination at work? -