



2024-07-19 20:14:56 来源:网络


怨妇 英语 -
怨妇的英文:grumbling woman resentment woman pathetic woman 参考例句:A spinster and an unmarried man 怨妇旷夫grumbling是什么意思:v. [grumble] 的现在分词形式;抱怨,嘟囔A low grumble or indistinct utterance.咕哝低声地嘟哝或者不清楚地说话He's always grumbling.他老是发牢骚。A distant等会说。
no grumbling 不要抱怨[例句]She has no patience with (ie cannot tolerate) people who are always grumbling.天啊!请赐予我们以容忍恋爱中的男人的耐心吧。


求翻译啊求翻译 求翻译啊求翻译 -
1. (应该是through吧)让某人和分机通电话extension 电话分机put through to用法:I'm trying to put a call through to Paris.我正要给巴黎通个电话。Ask to be put through to me personally.你告诉接电话的人,要求和我本人通电话2. 我的胃口咕噜响grumbling ['grʌmbli&#等我继续说。
肚子饿得咕咕叫的翻译是:Growling in my stomach
nervous和angry翻译是什么意思 -
我对自己发那么大的火而深感惭愧。来自柯林斯例句4. Although he was only grumbling, his choice of words made Rodney angry.尽管他只是在咕哝,可是他的措词却让罗德妮恼火。来自柯林斯例句5. I would have walked out, I was that angry.我差点中途退席,我太生气了。来自柯林斯例句请采纳~好了吧!
【英语】:chatter without stop;a ceaseless chattering -- muttering and grumbling;talk endlessly 喋喋不休的近义词高谈阔论 夸夸其谈 滔滔不绝 口若悬河 呶呶不休 刺刺不休类似的成语还有:《形容人话多的成语》喋喋不休的反义词默默不语 沉默寡言 默不做声 三言两语 守口如瓶 默默说完了。
choice是什么意思 -
1、choice n. 选择;选择权;精选品。adj. 精选的;仔细推敲的。例句(1)It's available in a choice of colours 有多种颜色可供选择。(2)Although he was only grumbling, his choice of words madeRodney angry.尽管他只是在咕哝,可是他的措词却让罗德妮恼火。(3)They had little choice后面会介绍。
1、Although he was only grumbling, his choice of words made Rodney angry.翻译:尽管他只是在咕哝,可是他的措词却让罗德妮恼火。2、Although they're expensive, they last forever and never go out of style.翻译:尽管价格昂贵,但它们经久耐用,永不过时。3、Although people sometimes buy 还有呢?
“下午茶”用英语怎么说 -
afternoon tea[英] [ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n ti:][美] [ˌæftɚˈnun ti]【例句】1、Visiting gardens and afternoon tea are the perfect complement for one another.逛花园和喝下午茶是对彼此最好的补充.2、Would you like to enjoy a relaxing afternoon 到此结束了?。
阴霾的天空下鸽子飞翔白桦树刻着那两个名字他们发誓相爱用尽这一生It was snowing in the serene village Doves were flying under the gray sky Two names were carved on a silver birch They had vowed to love forever 有一天战火烧到了家乡小伙子拿起枪奔赴边疆心上人你不要为我担心等是什么。