



2024-07-22 19:16:17 来源:网络


gratification和satisfaction有什么区别 -
gratification--- n.满足;满意;喜悦;使人满意之事satisfaction--- -n.满足,满意,舒服;妥善处理;(债务的)清偿;(伤害的)赔偿,
这个单词和Satisfaction看起来比较接近,它的词性变化也一致。Satisfy - Satisfaction, Gratify - Gratification。它们之间的差异在于gratification说明的是终极的喜悦,它的来源可能是satisfaction。He experienced the profound gratification when he heard the language of praise spoken by those he loved 到此结束了?。.


满足用英语怎么说 -
延迟满足Delay of Gratification ; delayed gratification 约束满足constraint satisfaction ; satisfied to restrain 自我满足self-satisfaction ; self-gratification ; Self-sufficiency 即时满足instant gratification ; immediate gratification 满足效应satiation effect 顾客满足Customer Satisfaction 满足的英后面会介绍。
满足感,英文是sense of satisfaction。解释:sense 英[sens] 美[sɛns]n. 感觉,官能; 意识,观念; 理性; 识别力;vt. 感到; 理解,领会; 检测出;[例句]She stared at him again, unable to believe the evidence of her senses.她再度盯着他看,无法相信自己的眼睛和耳朵。..
请问satisfaction和satisfication有什么区别?? -
satisfaction 是个名词,满意的意思。下面那个词确实是没有的。
1. 欲哭无泪 swallow tears in the heart 2. 无能为力 helpless 3. 企业规模效益 performance in scores of enterprises 4. 人民币结汇率、升值 exchange rate settled in RMB, upvalue 5. 出货高峰 at the peak of shipment 6. 理解和体谅 treat with understanding and consideration后面会介绍。
各美其美,天下大同出处? -
Achieving one's own goal yields gratification,Lending a hand to consummate others' goal doubles satisfaction。Goals of self and others can be unified,thus the world can be harmonized。意思就是人们要懂得各自欣赏自己创造的美,还要包容的欣赏别人创造的美,这样将各自之美和别人之美拼合在一好了吧!
准确无误accurate and precise; be exact in every particular 自己的self 满足感satisfaction; gratification 一声不吭mute as a fish; keep one's mouth shut; Not a word passed one's lips; not say a word ——— 已赞过已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论收起为你推荐等我继续说。
英语句子改错 -
1.People always tend to pursue their happiness deliberately.人们总是会谨慎地追求幸福。2.Some people take a lifetime to find their gratification which is missed on their ways pursueing it.有些人倾尽一生去追求幸福,但是最后发现幸福就在他们所追寻的道路上,已然错过。3.People may feel 好了吧!
"各美其美, 美人之美, 美美与共, 天下大同" 可以翻译为"Different but equally beautiful, each with its own beauty, beauty shared is beauty doubled, world peace"。这是一句比较传统的中文谚语,通常用于表达尊重多样性和推崇和谐共处的思想。翻译中的"Different but equally beautiful" 意味着还有呢?