



2024-07-18 10:19:21 来源:网络


glacier 翻译造句 -
'gleiʃə]基本翻译n.冰河,冰川网络释义Glacier:冰川|冰河|极地越野赛glacier n.:冰河,冰川Glacier cap:太阳帽He showed me a drawing of the glacier.他给我看一张冰川图。


union是什么意思中文翻译 -
union,英语单词,名词,意为“联盟,协会;工会;联合”。“union”常见的短语搭配包括但不限于:(1)Western Union 西联汇款; 西联国际汇款公司; 西联公司。(2)Union Party 联合党; 联邦党。(3)political union 政治统一; 政治联盟; 政治同盟; 政治联合。(4)Union Glacier 尤尼昂是什么。
介绍小冰岛旅游景点英语 冰岛景点介绍英文 -
冰岛克朗国家电话区号: +354电压: 230伏特、50赫兹国鸟: 白隼国花: 三色堇译文:Iceland is the most Western European countries, is located in the central North Atlantic, near the Arctic Circle, the glacier area of 8000 square kilometers, second of Europe's big island到此结束了?。.
格陵兰犬详细资料大全 -
穿越格陵兰塞米帕鲁克冰川(SermipalukGlacier)的雪橇犬,用绳绑在雪橇上的扇形杆(fanhitch,一种拉车的架子)上,这使得每只雪橇犬都可以在崎岖而危险的地形上找到自己行进的道路。 FCI标准注:此标准为2003年制定FCI标准N ° 274 / 05。05。2003 / GB 格陵兰犬格陵兰犬(Grønlandshund) 翻译:丹麦到此结束了?。
A modern urban animals, each animal in here have their own homes, Plaza Sahara desert climate, year-round cold glacier town and so on, it is like a big melting pot, the animals here Peaceful Coexistence -- whether it was an elephant or a little mouse, as long as you work hard can 后面会介绍。
冰岛 英文简介 -
Vatnajökull, a glacier in the southeast, has an area of 8,456 sq km (3,265 sq mi). The island has more than 120 glaciers and numerous small lakes and swift-flowing rivers. Iceland is remarkable for the number of its volcanoes, craters, and thermal springs and for the frequency of 好了吧!
(1)qomolangma hotel 珠穆朗玛宾馆(2)Mount Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰; 珠穆朗玛; 珠; 珠穆(3)Mont Qomolangma 喜玛拉雅山(4)Qomolangma Cup 珠穆朗玛杯(5)Qomolangma mountain 珠穆朗玛峰; 珠穆朗玛峰山脉(6)Sinohelicoprion qomolangma 珠峰中国旋齿鲨(7)Qomolangma Glacier 到此结束了?。