



2024-07-22 03:17:07 来源:网络


电信诈骗英语怎么说 -
Although the people to prevent telemunications networks and increasing awareness of fraud, posing Express, winning low-dan trick already established a mature immune system, but hateful fraudsters have continued to play out new tricks, a phone call, a text message cheated thousands yuan shocking news还有呢?
其实英文口语里说你是骗子,其实意思就是你撒谎。你是骗子:you are lie.如果用词比较专业,就请看看以下的:骗子:1. swindler 2. cheater 其它相关解释:<con man> <bilker> <magsman> <lurcher> <knave> <rook> <trickster> <quackster> <blackleg> <confidence man> <faker> <fraud> <还有呢?


英文翻译成中文 -
哈蒂根说:那是(非洲)东北部一小镇银行的惨痛教训。非洲小偷们能利用银行客户账号(账号是银行客户在网上购物时泄漏的)向银行机构提供汇票,这样,诈骗犯就能从银行诈取9万美金。一年多以前发生的这起诈骗案不仅仅是提出了一个问题:试图诈骗银行的具体步骤是什么? 它更能提醒我们的是:社区银行面临着有帮助请点赞。
我的名字是Dr.Kingsley C.Moghalu,副省长CBN。我是联邦共和国总统授权,会同联邦理事会(FEC),参议院委员会和解和实施外债合同/产业小组/补偿资金来完成所有未付的合同/ /彩票产业基金。你需要紧急的事再次确认您的信息,包括您的名字、电话号码和地址以便核实及处长对于这种效果,增资额占一千万年、七十还有呢?
高手帮我翻译一下下面的几个引英文句子 -
lives.我们总是喜欢花费许多宝贵的时间和金钱,试图挽回自身的名声,名誉,信用,金钱或是改变自身的命运。5.there is no escaping the fact that right now fraudsters are finding identity crime all too easy.一个无法逃避的事实是,如今诈骗犯不费吹灰之力就能利用身份犯罪。纯手工翻译~望满意~有帮助请点赞。
Due to the anonymity and convenience provided by the Internet, criminals can easily commit crimes without being noticed. For example, cyberfraudsters often send phishing emails or make fake websites to steal users' personal information and money, while hackers can steal sensitive 希望你能满意。
英语话题作文 -
The information industry develops very rapidly, so do the hackers, trick-playing teens, exploring children, fraudsters, and serious white-collar criminals. Thus, information security becomes an impending important issue. In case of information breach, the victims---government department, an organization说完了。
谁能帮忙翻译这封英文邮件,QQ邮箱收到的,不懂是什么意思 -
subsequently acquired his firm, known at the time as Overture.) He installed a three-layered defence system: a filter to weed out clicks from known fraudsters at the outset, statisticians and software to spot suspicious click patterns, and co-operation with advertisers to enable them是什么。