



2024-07-22 07:17:15 来源:网络


foot造句 footの例文 "foot"是什么意思 -
There 's some grit in the shoe , and it hurts my foot . 硌脚。An ostrich will stand from ten to elve feet 好了吧! 鸵鸟身高十到十二英尺。It's difficult to see foot in a sentence. 用foot 造句挺难的,
She stamped her foot again.她又跺了跺脚。2 David called to the children from the foot of the stairs 戴维在楼梯下面喊孩子们。3 Friends stood at the foot of the bed, looking at her with serious faces.朋友们站在床脚处,神情严肃地看着她。4 I tried to reach the foot brakes b希望你能满意。


用foot造句简单一点? -
1、用作名词(n.),造句如下:I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.我因踩了她一脚向她道歉。I hurt my foot while playing football.在踢足球时,我的脚受伤了。He sat on the foot of the bed.他坐在床脚处。Rise to your feet when the visitor comes in.来宾进来时请大家站说完了。
Afterward I packed my foot in ice.后来,我用冰块冰敷受伤的脚。
foot复数怎么写的 -
when the dooro pens,push with your foot.门开了后,再用你的脚把门推开。can you balance on one foot?你能独脚站着保持平衡吗?afterward i packed my foot in ice.后来,我用冰块冰敷受伤的脚。
foot的复数形式 -
feet。foot是名词时,它的意思是脚、足,最下部,基础等,它的复数形式是feet。foot第三人称单数为foots,造句是An old injury to his right foot had begun to act up again.他右脚上的老伤又发作了。
造句1、恰恰就在我登上公共汽车踏板的时候,车子开动了。At the precise moment that l put my foot on the step, the bus started.2、踏车人骑在如自行车等以脚踏板推动的交通工具上的人one who rides a pedal-driven vehicle, such as a bicycle.3、我的脚怎么也够不著踏板。My feet 到此结束了?。
on foot 和by foot 的区别和用法是什么? -
1、读音不同on foot 英[ɔn fut] 美[ɑn fʊt]徒步;步行,进行起来,在筹划中;徒例句:I go to school usually on foot.我上学通常是走路去。by foot 徒步英[baɪ fʊt] 美[baɪ fʊt]例句:Sorry, the elevator doesn't work, 说完了。
foot的基本意思是“脚,足”,也可以可表示“足部”“底部”,“步伐”等。foot与feet的用法区别:具体指脚时或英尺时的复数,就用feet。如How many feet do you have?foot用在短语中或构成一些词,如on foot步行,也可用with feet(但不是步行,而是用脚的意思)。背诵可以促使学生读出来,说出来帮助等我继续说。