



2024-06-22 06:10:56 来源:网络


1、foot英[fʊt]美[fʊt],n.脚; (人或动物的)足; 有…脚(或足的); 有…只脚(的); 用…脚(或足的); (袜子的)足部;v.走; 踏; 合计; 结算(up); 加(to); 支付。
2、[例句]Your feet must be behind the line when you serve.发球时你的脚必须站在底线的外面。


2、n.脚; (人或动物的)足; 有…脚(或足的); 有…只脚(的); 用…脚(或足的); (袜子的)足部; 最下部; 英尺; …英尺高的人(或东西); 音步;
3、v.走; 踏; 合计; 结算(up); 加(to); 支付;
4、[例句]Your feet must be behind the line when you serve.发球时你的脚必须站在底线的外面。
5、第三人称单数:foots 复数:feet 现在分词:footing 过去式:footed 过去分词:footed

foot怎么读 foot的读音是:英[fʊt]。
foot的读音是:英[fʊt]。foot的例句是用作名词(n.)I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.我因踩了她一脚向她道歉。foot的意思是n.脚;英尺;最底部;音步;v.表演舞步;步行;付账;踏;共计。
1.脚;足Yourfeet are the parts of your body that are at the ends of your legs, and that you stand on.
e.g. She stamped herfoot again.她又跺了跺脚。e.g. ...afoot injury.足伤
2.最下部;基部;底部Thefootof something is the part that is farthest from its top.
e.g. David called to the children from thefoot of the stairs...戴维在楼梯下面喊孩子们。e.g. ...thefoot of Highgate Hill...海格特山脚下
3.床尾;床脚Thefootof a bed is the end nearest to the feet of the person lying in it.
e.g. Friends stood at thefoot of the bed, looking at her with serious faces.朋友们站在床脚处,神情严肃地看着她。
4.英尺(相当于 12 英寸或 30.48 厘米)Afoot is a unit for measuring length, height, or depth, and is equal to 12 inches or 30.48 centimetres. When you are giving measurements, the form 'foot' is often used as the plural instead of the plural form 'feet'.
e.g. This beautiful and curiously shaped lake lies at around fifteen thousand feet...这个形状奇特的美丽湖泊周长约有15,000英尺。e.g. ...a shopping and leisure complex of one million square feet...占地100万平方英尺的购物休闲中心
5.(刹车或泵)用脚操作的,脚踏的Afoot brake orfoot pump is operated by your foot rather than by your hand.
e.g. I tried to reach thefoot brakes but I couldn't.我试图去够脚刹,但是没能踩到。
6.(巡逻队)步行的;步(兵)的Afoot patrol orfoot soldiers walk rather than travelling in vehicles or on horseback.
e.g. Paratroopers andfoot-soldiers entered the building on the government's behalf.伞兵和步兵代表政府进入大楼。
7.(诗歌的)音步In poetry, afoot is one of the basic units of rhythm into which a line is divided.
8.害怕;胆怯;裹足不前If you getcold feetabout something, you become nervous or frightened about it because you think it will fail.
e.g. The Government is getting cold feet about the reforms.政府对改革缩手缩脚。
9.站稳脚跟;变得自信;能独立行动If you say that someoneis finding theirfeet in a new situation, you mean that they are starting to feel confident and to deal with things successfully.
e.g. I don't know anyone in England but I am sure I will manage when I find my feet...我在英格兰不认识什么人,但是我相信自己一旦站稳脚跟就可以独当一面。e.g. Once he had found his feet he was able to deal with any problem.他一旦变得自信了就能够处理任何问题。
10.脚踏实地;踏踏实实If you say that someone has theirfeet on the ground, you approve of the fact that they have a sensible and practical attitude towards life, and do not have unrealistic ideas.
e.g. In that respect he needs to keep his feet on the ground and not get carried away...在那一方面他需要脚踏实地,不能飘飘然。e.g. Kevin was always level-headed with both feet on the ground.凯文总是头脑冷静,脚踏实地。
11.步行;走路去If you go somewhereon foot, you walk, rather than using any form of transport.
e.g. We rowed ashore, then explored the island onfoot for the rest of the day.我们划船到了岸边,之后余下的时间步行在岛上探险。
12.站立;站着If you areon yourfeet, you are standing up.
e.g. Everyone was on their feet applauding wildly.每个人都站起身来热烈鼓掌。
13.恢复体力;身体康复If you say that someone or something ison theirfeet again after an illness or difficult period, you mean that they have recovered and are back to normal.
e.g. You need someone to take the pressure off and help you get back on your feet...你需要有人为你分担压力,帮你恢复元气。e.g. He said they all needed to work together to put the country on its feet again.他说他们都需要通力协作以使国家恢复元气。
14.运气好;走运If you say that someone alwaysfalls orlands on theirfeet, you mean that they are always successful or lucky, although they do not seem to achieve this by their own efforts.
e.g. He has good looks and charm, and always falls on his feet...他长得很帅,也有魅力,总是走好运。e.g. While I struggle through life, she lands on her feet.在我挣扎过活的时候,她却运气亨通。
15.一只脚踏进了坟墓;行将就木If you say that someonehas one foot in the grave, you mean that they are very old or very ill and will probably die soon.
16.情况完全逆转;事实恰恰相反If you say, in British English,the boot is on the other foot or, mainly in American English,the shoe is on the other foot, you mean that a situation has been reversed completely, so that the person who was in the better position before is now in the worse one.
e.g. You're not in a position to remove me. The boot is now on the otherfoot.你没有权力开除我。相反,我现在可以开除你。
17.全力以赴;尽最大努力If youput yourbest foot forward, you act in a cheerful, determined way.
e.g. Put your bestfoot forward and work on the assumption that there is an acceptable solution to every problem you are likely to face.要尽力而为,要相信你可能遇到的每一个问题都会有一个适当的解决方案。
18.拿定主意阻止;执意反对If someoneputs theirfoot down, they use their authority in order to stop something happening.
e.g. He had planned to go skiing on his own in March but his wife had decided to put herfoot down.他原本打算在 3 月独自去滑雪,但是他的太太决定让他打消这个念头。
19.猛踩油门;开快车If someoneputs theirfoot down when they are driving, they drive as fast as they can.
e.g. I asked the driver to put hisfoot down for Nagchukha.我要求司机加大油门去那曲。
20.(行为或言语)使人尴尬,冒犯别人If someoneputs theirfoot in it orputs theirfoot in theirmouth, they accidentally do or say something which embarrasses or offends people.
e.g. Our chairman has really put hisfoot in it, poor man, though he doesn't know it.我们的主席真的让人很尴尬,可怜的人,尽管他自己没意识到。
21.(尤指架起双脚)坐下(或躺下)休息,放松If youput yourfeet up, you relax or have a rest, especially by sitting or lying with your feet supported off the ground.
e.g. After supper he'd put his feet up and read. It was a pleasant prospect.晚饭后他会支起双腿,歇一歇,看看书。那真是件很惬意的事情。
22.做错事;犯错误If you neverput a foot wrong, you never make any mistakes.
e.g. When he's around, we never put afoot wrong...他在的时候,我们从来不会出错。e.g. He hardly put afoot wrong in defence and was fine in attack.他防守的时候几乎滴水不漏,进攻也很出色。
23.踏上,涉足(某地)If you say that someonesets foot in a place, you mean that they enter it or reach it, and you are emphasizing the significance of their action. If you say that someoneneversets foot in a place, you are emphasizing that they never go there.
e.g. ...the day the first man setfoot on the moon...人类首次登上月球的那一天e.g. A little later I left that place and never setfoot in Texas again.之后没多久我离开了那个地方,从此再也没有回过得克萨斯。
24.自食其力;独立If someone has tostand on theirown two feet, they have to be independent and manage their lives without help from other people.
e.g. My father didn't mind whom I married, so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband.只要我能够自食其力,不依附于自己的丈夫,嫁给谁我父亲倒是并不介意。
25.站起;起身If you get or riseto yourfeet, you stand up.
e.g. Malone got to his feet and followed his superior out of the suite...马隆站起身来,跟在他的上司后面走出了套房。e.g. The delegates cheered and rose to their feet...代表们欢呼着站起身来。
26.缠人;碍手碍脚If you say that someone isunder yourfeet, you are annoyed because they are with you or near you, and are bothering you.
e.g. The children were running about under everybody's feet.孩子们在周围乱跑,让所有人都很烦。
27.一开始就不对;出师不利If someonegets off on the wrong foot in a new situation, they make a bad start by doing something in completely the wrong way.
e.g. Even though they called the election and had been preparing for it for some time, they got off on the wrongfoot.尽管他们召集了选举,也为此做了一段时间的准备,但是一开始就走错了。
28. tofoot the bill -> see bill
29. feet of clay -> see clay
30. foot in the door -> see door
31. drag your feet -> see drag
32. hand andfoot -> see hand
33. . to shoot yourself in thefoot -> see shoot
34. to sweep someone off their feet -> see sweep
35. to vote with your feet -> see vote
1. foot
1. 英尺:尤其是日用消费品、轻工业品、机械产品及部分土特产,如件(Piece)双(Pair)套(Set)打(Dozen)箩(Gross)卷(Roll)长度单位:一般布匹、电线电缆、丝绸等的交易常用,如米(Meter)英尺(Foot)码(Yard)面积单位:一般常用于玻璃、地毯、皮革等,
2. 足:大腿骨(thigh)与小腿骨(shin)是连接的,就像足(foot)与IK_heel骨一样. 脚趾骨(toe)与足(foot)是作为IK_foot骨的子级.
3. 底座:Flex-Pod将电缆、功能板(pod)、障板(mask)和底座(foot)集成为一个部件. 这种集成增强了信号完整性并提高了电气和机械可靠性. 其小巧的外形尺寸方便了高安装密度PCB上的仿真.
4.foot:ft.; 英尺
I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.
I hurt my foot while playing football.
They sank the post two feet deep in the ground.
I missed the target by one foot.
The waves wash the foot of the cliffs.
They camped at the foot of the mountain.
He sat on the foot of the bed.
We foot it all the night.
We have missed the last bus,so we'll have to foot it.
We decided to foot it over to the convenience store.
I suppose Jim will foot the bill as usual.
Let me foot the bill,if you don't mind.
He wildly stamped the chair with his foot.
I stepped in a puddle and got my foot wet.
His debts foot up to a huge sum.
The expenses foot up to 50 dollars.
The boss caught me on the wrong foot when he asked where I was yesterday when I should have been at work.
The waiter footed up our bill.
The expenses foot up to 50 yuan .
His debts foot up to a huge sum.
误 Marathon runners are prone to stress fractures and a large number of feet ailments.
正 Marathon runners are prone to stress fractures and a large number of foot ailments.
析 误句中的feet应改用foot。在构成合成词时,应该用单数foot。
误 He left the bed to the old man and lay at foot of the bed himself.
正 He left the bed to the old man and lay at the foot of the bed himself.
析 at the foot of...是固定词组,不能省略定冠词the。
误 She gave me the impression that she had a foot in the grave.
正 She gave me the impression that she had one foot in the grave.
析 “一只脚进坟墓(入土半截)”,英语的说法是have one foot in the grave,不能把one改成a。
误 The spy was arrested as soon as he set a foot on the country.
正 The spy was arrested as soon as he set foot on the country.
析 set foot on是习惯用语,意思是“走进,进入”, foot前不可加不定冠词a。
误 I like to go to school by foot.
正 I like to go to school on foot.
误 They made the journey by foot.
正 They made the journey on foot.
误 They went by foot while we drove.
正 They went on foot while we drove.
析 “步行”应该说on foot,而不是by foot。
误 We decide to walk to the museum on foot.
正 We decide to go to the museum on foot.
析 walk本身就是go on foot的意思,再与 on foot连用句意重复,所以应该去掉其中之一。
base、foundation、walk、hike、hoof、sole、kicker、march、seat、part、hoof it、bottom、end、heel、lowest、of、body、it、groundwork、pes、foot up、fundament、infantry、FT、pick、leg it、substructure、understructure
footage、foolproof、Foote、footy、foots、Footh、footee、footsy、footed、footie、footle、foot up

foot怎么读 英语foot怎么读
1、foot英[fʊt]美[fʊt],n.脚; (人或动物的)足; 有…脚(或足的); 有…只脚(的); 用…脚(或足的); (袜子的)足部;v.走; 踏; 合计; 结算(up); 加(to); 支付。
2、[例句]Your feet must be behind the line when you serve.发球时你的脚必须站在底线的外面。

on foot怎么读 on foot的读音是:英[ɒnfʊt]。
on foot的读音是:英[ɒnfʊt]。on foot的网络解释是 步行:亲爱的同学们,每天你都来学校,那你是步行(onfoot)、骑自行车(by bike)、乘公共汽车(by bus)、乘地铁(by subway)还是坐小汽车(by car)呢?如果是你要去外地度假,你通常(~。on foot的例句是We covered seventeen miles on foot.我们步行了十七英里。
一、参考翻译点此查看on foot的详细内容
1. 步行:亲爱的同学们,每天你都来学校,那你是步行(onfoot)、骑自行车(by bike)、乘公共汽车(by bus)、乘地铁(by subway)还是坐小汽车(by car)呢?如果是你要去外地度假,你通常(~
2. 走路:表示用手 (by hand), 走路 (onfoot), 上课 (in class), 上学 (go to school), 住院 (at hospitable)等,都不用定冠词. 世界上没有同样的指纹,没有相同的树叶,文章亦同,只有通过比较,你才会发现二者的相同点(through comparison)和不同点(through contrast). 下面是一些短语:
3. on foot
3. 步行时:步行时(ONFOOT): 摇杆移动(MOVEMENT)依推摇杆的程度区别走和跑; 方向键开始特殊任务(SPECIAL MISSION)只在可以开启特殊任务的特定地点才有作用; 方向键和切换武器和目标(CY括号中的英文与游戏中操作修改菜单(CONTROLS)中的英文相对应.
4. on foot的意思
4. 步行;在进行中:on fire 起火;(喻)非常激动 |onfoot 步行;在进行中 |on guard 站岗,值班
We covered seventeen miles on foot.
Pat looks better outside of a horse than no foot.
on foot的相关临近词
Onbe、on、on-screen appearance、on-spot construction、on-off response unit、on visiting terms with、on-line analog input、Onychomorphalamelliger、On-Board programming、on the voyage homeward
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