



2024-07-22 07:16:07 来源:网络


fold造句 -
1、Government whips tried to persuade the waverers back into the fold。执政党的组织秘书试图劝动摇者回到本党中来。2、Fold the second strip of paper in exactly the same way。用完全相同的方法折叠第二张纸条。3、The house lay in a fold of the hills。房子位于山间起伏处。4、A fold到此结束了?。
1、Fold up:折叠成紧凑的形状。2、Fold over:将物体一半折叠到另一半上。3、Fold down:将物体向下折叠。4、Fold in:将边缘向内折叠,使物体紧密包裹。5、Fold out:展开折叠的物体。“fold”造句1、Could you please fold the laundry and put it away?请把洗好的衣服叠起来放好,好吗?2有帮助请点赞。


用fold造句、要两句稍微简单点短的 -
fold 的意思有以下几个,每个意思都造个句吧等会说。1.折叠;对折[(+up)]She folded up the letter and put it in her pocket.她把信折起来放进口袋。2.交叠,交叉;合拢Fold your arms and sit up straight!两臂交叉,坐直!3.包;笼罩[O][(+up)]He folded the pills in a piece of paper等会说。.
3、fold a newspaper 把报纸叠好。
“fold”的过去式 、反义词、名词、形容词的英文分别是什么? -
【造句】She folded up the letter and put it in her pocket. 她把信折起来放进口袋。Fold your arms and sit up straight! 两臂交叉,坐直!He folded the pills in a piece of paper. 他用纸包住药丸。She folded the crying child to her breast. 她把哭闹的小孩搂抱在怀中。The new 是什么。
蒙眼英文 -
蒙眼的英文是blindfold。blindfold的复数形式是blindfolds,第三人称单数形式是blindfolds,过去式形式是blindfolded,过去分词形式是blindfolded。中文词源改写自古英语blindfellen。blind瞎。fell砍伐,击倒。原指打瞎,后改成fold折叠,指眼罩。可造句子如下:1、The prisoner wore a blindfold when he was 说完了。
3.fold along 沿……折叠Folding along the line.4.hang about 闲逛I like hanging about the shooping center.I want to hang about the book store.5.hand by hand 手牵手Let us finish our task hand by hand.The traffic is busy, please cross the road hand by hand.6.arts and 是什么。
用fold your clothes造句 -
Would you please fold your clothes,Bob?