



2024-07-22 15:41:15 来源:网络


flocks和herds什么意思? -
flocks n.1. 畜群;兽群;鸟群(指在一起喂养或聚居的同种动物,如羊、山羊、绵羊等牲畜或飞禽)2. 一大群人;一大批东西;一班学生;一家的子女3. (对牧师而言)教会内的全体教徒4. (对基督而言)全体基督教徒5. [古语]一队人,一帮人,一伙人vi.成群结队而行,群集;聚集;簇拥;蜂拥有帮助请点赞。


成群的英文翻译 -
bunching~shoal~clustering~in a group~in groups~cluster~grouping~in droves ~in shoals~一、in large numbers; in groups; in multitudes; in clusters; in flocks二、clustering; ganging; grouping ~herd together
名词群(聚在一起的人或物)crowd; group in crowds; in flocks; in groups;成群结队a building complex; a cluster of buildings;建筑群量词群(用于成群的人或物)group; herd; flock a band of gangsters;一群匪徒a pack of wolves;一群狼等会说。
palace的翻译是:什么意思 -
flocks of tourists in the palace.宫殿里有好几群游客。三、词汇用法:1、palace的基本意思是“皇宫,宫殿”,指古代皇帝的宫殿或主教、大主教的住宅。也可作“豪华住宅”“公共娱乐大厦”解。2、Palace(首字母大写)与the连用,可表示“宫廷显要的人”,尤指国王或皇后。此时谓语动词用单数形式。
英语翻译如下:palace 音标:英['pælɪs] 美['pælɪs]词义:n. 宫殿;宅邸;豪华住宅双语例句:1、There are many flocks of tourists in the palace.宫殿里有好几群游客。2、Have you been to the Imperial Palace?你去过故宫吗?3、The carriage passed 希望你能满意。
在一起翻译成英文 -
在一起的单词,短语:together Be togehter Stay Together in harness in tow in flocks 其他相关短语【English】 【中文】1 in harness in tow 在一起2 coarctate 压在一起的3 coherent 粘在一起的4 gather together 集合在一起5 grow together 长在一起6 han有帮助请点赞。
Flocks of cranes fly up from the further river - bank and fitful guests of wind rush over the heath 鹤群从远远的河岸飞起,狂风吹过常青的灌木。Like a flock of homesick cranes flying night and day back to their mountain nests let all my pfe take its voyage to its 好了吧!
英文翻译 -
The jackdaw is a kind of black birds that lives in Europe. Jackdaws live together in flocks (群).穴鸟/寒鸦是一种在欧洲群居的黑色的鸟。Young jackdaws do not know their enemies, When an older jackdaw sees a dog , it makes a loud rattling (格格响的) sound.The younger 有帮助请点赞。