



2024-07-19 06:20:28 来源:网络


fill with等于be full of 吗? -
可以是sb fill sth with sth sth(被填满)be full of sth
fill with是动词词组,由动词fill (vt. 装满,使充满;满足;堵塞;任职;vi. 被充满,膨胀)加上介词with构成;而full of是由形容词full加上介词of构成的形容词短语。fill with常常作为词组fill (sth)with sth:用什么来填满什么,或者be filled with(装满后面会介绍。),而full of常常以be full of后面会介绍。


be filled with 和fill with 的区别 -
2.fill with侧重点:表示“把东西放满在……里”,如fill the cup with wine(用酒装满杯子)
这两个是同义词组,都是‘装满,充满’的意思,be full of,表示状态,be filled with 含有被动意义,可以互换,但要记住它们的介词搭配。如The box is full of apples.= The box is filled with apples.
be filled with 和fill with 的区别 -
- "fill with" 是一个动词短语,其中的"fill" 是动词原形,它的意思是"用某物填充" 或"装满" 某物。例子: a) The room was filled with laughter and joy. (房间里充满着笑声和喜悦。 b) Her heart was filled with gratitude. (她的心里充满着感激之情。 区别2: - "be filled with" 通常等我继续说。
of 侧重于状态example:The bottle is full of water.区别并不大,主要看你要写句字时的侧重点full是形容词;fill是动词.full,fill二者均与“满”有关.full是形容词,意思是“满的”,与of组成be full of短语.fill做动词,意思是“装满”,与with组成be filled with,表示“用……把……装满”.
fill with和full of怎么区别 -
1.词性:fill with是动词短语,而full of是介词短语。例子: He filled the cup with water.(他用水填满了杯子。- The room is full of sunlight.(这个房间充满了阳光。2.含义:fill with表示将某物注入或倒入另一个物体中,使其充满或填满;full of表示某物内部或表面充满或具有大量某种物质说完了。
2,fill…with:用……装满希望你能满意。。【双语例句】fill with:1,When we inhale, our lungs fill with air, which press the diaphragm downward.当我们吸气时,我们的肺会充满空气,空气会把隔膜往下压.2,His eyes fill with tears and his hair stops blowing and he crushes his pink glasses in 希望你能满意。
be filled with 和fill with 的区别 -
- "fill with" 是一个动词短语,其中的"fill" 是动词原形,它的意思是"用某物填充" 或"装满" 某物。例子:a) The room was filled with laughter and joy. (房间里充满着笑声和喜悦。b) Her heart was filled with gratitude. (她的心里充满着感激之情。区别2: "be filled with希望你能满意。
fill是动词,与with组成短语be filled with,意思是“用……把……装满”。适用语境不同:当表示某种事物的程度为“非常”的时候,通常使用full of,如“The young man is full of pride.”(那个年轻人非常骄傲。)fill with则更多地用于描述实际的填充或充斥过程。用法差异:full of可以用作形容词等会说。